Yea thats was the whole thing about that vid old mate posted its about allota people not caring about gettin into trouble with the law all they worry about is helping people out that actualy need it.. There was a story on sunday night, something like that anyway about the gvrmnts view on legalisin cannabis an there was a young kid with a rare as fk disease an was going threw hell everyday an would rather of been dead then to continue to be in the amount of pain he was in, his dad found an old bat that had to producin oil for alotta people an once the kid gotten onto it he was like a different person livin life with no pain. The family cldn afford the legal crap an frm memory the old sheila wasn chargin for it either untill oneday she got raided an charged for it. The system is fukd either way. And its good to see there is people out there doing there bit to help.