Epstein Commits Suicide.

Do you find his suicide fishy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 86.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 13.1%

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Well-Known Member
Do you really think Epstein is dead? I don't.

He bought his way out of this, with trumps help, and will live out his days on his private island.

Fuck all of those rich fucks.

That's what I think too, he was smuggled out of his cell and he's still alive somewhere.

It's too hard to believe that someone on suicide watch would have the opportunity to hang themselves.

I'm pretty sure in jail/prison that when someone is on suicide watch that they're placed in a cell with no sheets on the bed, lights on and watched 24/7 plus the only thing they wear is a paper smock no sleeves no legs no laces just fastened with velcro


Well-Known Member
Do you really think Epstein is dead? I don't.

He bought his way out of this, with trumps help, and will live out his days on his private island.

Fuck all of those rich fucks.

I had not at all considered that. It's a stretch, but possible.


Well-Known Member
Here's the problem with that:

He had already been "injured" in a "suspected" suicide attempt.

Now, oddly, whenever a high profile killer facing the death penalty is in prison awaiting trial, they watch him like a hawk by default. Reason being, suicide is a relatively easier way for them to go. Epstein was no different.

The instant he was harmed the first time he should have, by default, been put on suicide watch and surveillance 'round the clock.

He wasn't. Apparently, nobody cared.

In the criminal justice system, that is very, very, very hard to believe. High profile killers, ponzi artist, rapist and the like falling victim to taking their own life before they even get to trial has, for all intents and purposes, never happened.

That's why this particular incident just looks very, very suspicious. It literally never, ever happens in a case with a suspect of this magnitude.
You sound as ridiculous as the trump tards that are saying the Clinton's murdered him.


Well-Known Member
The Clintons have nothing to gain by killing Epstien. Trump on the other hand, he's already going to prison when he's evicted from the White House. I doubt he would do very much time for obstruction of justice, probably a few months at the most. Pedo charges would turn his few remaining supporters completely against him. It would become a national celebration when he gets tossed in the Slammer.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, I believe trump will also be shown to have been laundering massive amounts of Russian money for Putin and friends. A traitor, a Judas or Benedict Arnold kind of asshole.

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Seriously, I believe trump will also be shown to have been laundering massive amounts of Russian money for Putin and friends. A traitor, a Judas or Benedict Arnold kind of asshole.
Ok and then some how even with all the investigations into him and his family no evidence of that was found. That is a joke right the most investigated president in history must have been alot cleaner then we all thought. I mean I never believed the Russian collusion bullshit but I did believe that if he was checked out close enough that they would find something on him, but so far nothing big enough to matter at the end of the day. Nothing big enough to keep him from being re-elected.


Well-Known Member
Ok and then some how even with all the investigations into him and his family no evidence of that was found. That is a joke right the most investigated president in history must have been alot cleaner then we all thought. I mean I never believed the Russian collusion bullshit but I did believe that if he was checked out close enough that they would find something on him, but so far nothing big enough to matter at the end of the day. Nothing big enough to keep him from being re-elected.
Yep, it's not against the law to gut Nasa's weather records.

Oct will be here before you know it.

Your man is not very good at potholes or sanctions.

Do you think Exxon is going to get that $500 billion Russian deal back on the table?


Well-Known Member
Ok and then some how even with all the investigations into him and his family no evidence of that was found. That is a joke right the most investigated president in history must have been alot cleaner then we all thought. I mean I never believed the Russian collusion bullshit but I did believe that if he was checked out close enough that they would find something on him, but so far nothing big enough to matter at the end of the day. Nothing big enough to keep him from being re-elected.
This argument is as dead as Trump's pedophile buddy.


Well-Known Member
Not implausible at all actually

Find a ringer from the morgue, move the guards for some routine “maintenance “ and voila
i hate to tell you but what's in the morgue looks nothing like him..chain of custody etc it would be very hard and we're going into 'grassy knoll' territory.

i don't doubt that's him..the doubt stems from him not wanting to be left alone (cell or roof) enough to pay his attorneys to show so 24/7 (allegedly).