Will You Support The Democratic Nominee in 2020? A Poll.

Will you support the Democratic Nominee in 2020?

  • Yes, no matter who they are.

  • Nope, there are candidates that I simply will not support if they win the nomination.

  • I am literally mentally retarded and will vote for Trump.

Results are only viewable after voting.


Well-Known Member
So let's hear it. Will you support the Democratic nominee for President in 2020? If you are in a safe red state like California, New York or Illinois, I don't even care if you vote for the Democratic nominee - it doesn't matter. More importantly, can you get over your butt-hurt or petulance to openly support the candidate that might not be the one you supported no matter who it is? Yep, that means you won't be seizing upon memes and propaganda designed to re-elect Trump by causing division within the opposition. It means that you won't put your own ego or narrowly defined "interests" before what is obviously the best choice for the country. It means you won't be shitting in the punch-bowl if you don't get the flavor you want.

This is a public poll. I suppose I made it because one of the intellectually dishonest members here claimed that I would not support his candidate if that candidate won. Yet I supported that same candidate in the 2016 primaries and have been vocal about my commitment to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who they are. There are a finite number of candidates and all of them are preferable to Trump.

So come on @Padawanbater2, don't be a coward as usual.


Well-Known Member
It’s hard to inspire thinking people talking about shit that they know from a lifetimes worth of experience just ain’t gonna happen.
I am not sure exactly what you mean here but I do consider politics "the art of the possible" and I do not think that we are ready for lurching into paradigm shift right now despite our own personal feelings. I would much rather see gradual change that moves in the right direction than to throw the dice and gamble on another four years of Trump which would very possibly be the end of the Republic.

From what I have seen, the Bernie supporters' position rests on the highly specious claim that there is a secret untapped majority that loves the idea of seriously progressive policies. In my opinion, this is not true. I believe that the country's feelings on the key issue, healthcare, are being grossly distorted and am very concerned that pushing immediate single payer with elimination of health insurance companies is a huge gamble. I think that while it is desirable, it is the type of thing we will have to do incrementally or lose the next election - the consequences of which are dire.

To my knowledge, most of the states who have had referendums on things as simple as controlling drug costs have failed to pass them due to concerted efforts by drug companies who have spent millions successfully blocking the issue. I just can't believe that socialized healthcare is a winning issue right now. My guess is that it will provide Trump with the allies and issues that he needs to win again.

I do not agree that the Democratic nominee is going to win in a walk the way some here do. This is going to be a tough, dirty campaign the likes of which we have not seen in our lifetime. We look back on the Johnson/Goldwater campaign of 1964 as dirty because of an ad where a little girl with a daisy gets nuked. That is quaint compared to what we are looking at soon.


Well-Known Member
I'd vote for whomever the Dem's decide to lead the charge against Trump being re-elected, of course.

What I'm concerned about is supplying ammo to the Pub's by our own candidates ripping each other up, instead of focusing on the one main destructive force in America today, that cocksucker sitting in the WH.

I just don't want too see the Dem's themselves destroy this massive opportunity from within by again going off the rails as far as asking for, no actually demanding an instantaneous response to every serious dilemma facing America, like health care, student loans, DACA, climate, homelessness, BLM, LGBTQ, immigration, income disparity and the list goes on.

So, let's just keep it simple now for the time being until Trump is under a rock.

Don't eat our young and the elders, just focus on getting the job done, which is getting Trump the fuck out of the WH

Once we control the Congress and the WH, which is definitely possible in 2020, then the Dem's can give the Republicans something to cry about and we, as a Nation, can move forward again.


Well-Known Member
Hey @schuylaar, you have already said that you will not give for the Democratic nominee if it is Biden and have hedged your bets on there being others you will not vote for. And you live in Florida, a critical swing state.

So come on, make your perfidity official by voting in this poll.

You too @ttystikk.


Well-Known Member
Lol. I hoped you enjoyed that. It's as close as you will get to actually voting in the general election. The Kremlin appreciates your input nevertheless.

That's some good journalism there. The Democrats "could care less" - which literally means they care. The proper term is "couldn't care less". This is used incorrectly by most people but journalism that can not get a simple phrase right should be looked at with deep suspicion.
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