Scrog Virgin


Well-Known Member
Do you guys use two nets or one? Anyone do a SOG style like the commercial big dogs?


Well-Known Member
How do u make sure that the plants roots got enough water if u don’t have run-off?

i run off my cannabis but essentially you just know by gardening experience how much water is retained in a pot. But you can water slowly and then stop once you get a few drops at the bottom and just remeber that weight difference in your water can for future waterings. For me I just poor and my hand knows when to stop lol. Its like breathing.

Rainbow Warrior

Well-Known Member
i run off my cannabis but essentially you just know by gardening experience how much water is retained in a pot. But you can water slowly and then stop once you get a few drops at the bottom and just remeber that weight difference in your water can for future waterings. For me I just poor and my hand knows when to stop lol. Its like breathing.
Thanks for ur advice and help; Soz for all the questions, but ivebeen growing outdoors on well drained soil, so I never had any problems of water staying in the root area.,.
How big a pot should I use for an indoor Sativa?



Well-Known Member
Thanks for ur advice and help; Soz for all the questions, but ivebeen growing outdoors on well drained soil, so I never had any problems of water staying in the root area.,.
How big a pot should I use for an indoor Sativa?

Id say a 8L to 12L pot, really depends on your footprint in you tent and how tall tou can grow them.

I persoanlly use 15L fabric pots. For my tent size I really didnt need above 8L They dry out a lot quicker and require more watering but provide better air circulation and really nice drainage. i went with a larger pot than required so that id have a bit more soil for water retention. I end up having to water my 15L fabric pots at the same rate as my 8L plastic pot. Which is every 4-5 days. I let my plants get extra thirsty usually as I read some cool studies on drought training cannabis.

Rainbow Warrior

Well-Known Member
Id say a 8L to 12L pot, really depends on your footprint in you tent and how tall tou can grow them.

I persoanlly use 15L fabric pots. For my tent size I really didnt need above 8L They dry out a lot quicker and require more watering but provide better air circulation and really nice drainage. i went with a larger pot than required so that id have a bit more soil for water retention. I end up having to water my 15L fabric pots at the same rate as my 8L plastic pot. Which is every 4-5 days. I let my plants get extra thirsty usually as I read some cool studies on drought training cannabis.

Hi there,

Funnily enough already got fabric pots.
Do u water fabric pots until runoff?

Always grew outdoors on sandy soil, watered according to knuckle test, how do u know when too dry? Do u weigh pot or wait for drought signs in the leafs?

U got any links to drought training of cannabis mentioned?


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
If your grow area is only 3x3 like you mentioned in your first post you do not have much room to grow at all. I personally would only do one 5 gallon scrog in there or a few one gallons. When I grow in a 4 by 4 I can do one monster scrog that can fill the screen up almost intirely from wall to wall. And I can fit a few small potted plants in the corners.

Rainbow Warrior

Well-Known Member
If your grow area is only 3x3 like you mentioned in your first post you do not have much room to grow at all. I personally would only do one 5 gallon scrog in there or a few one gallons. When I grow in a 4 by 4 I can do one monster scrog that can fill the screen up almost intirely from wall to wall. And I can fit a few small potted plants in the corners.
Think I go with one monster; thanks for all ur help and advice!
