McCain looks retarded


Well-Known Member
After watching these debates, not choosing a side yet and being a registered Republican, I can tell you what I see:

An intelligent man with great replies VS. A stubling, mumbling fool, telling stories

Obama has his shit together, I've never seen a more one sided fight. When asked about the tax increase:

Obama talked about his system to tax the richest people in the United States and cut taxes on 95% of Americans

McCain literally talked about a plumber named Bob, who will not be able to buy his own plumbing business yet, if Obama is elected.

Are you fucking serious? That's your answer? I'm not sure whats more important in a time of economical crisis, 95% of Americans or a plumber who already makes great money not being able to by a business?

I, a registered republican, who voted for bush the first time (sorry) will vote for Obama

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
After watching these debates, not choosing a side yet and being a registered Republican, I can tell you what I see:

An intelligent man with great replies VS. A stubling, mumbling fool, telling stories

Obama has his shit together, I've never seen a more one sided fight. When asked about the tax increase:

Obama talked about his system to tax the richest people in the United States and cut taxes on 95% of Americans

McCain literally talked about a plumber named Bob, who will not be able to buy his own plumbing business yet, if Obama is elected.

Are you fucking serious? That's your answer? I'm not sure whats more important in a time of economical crisis, 95% of Americans or a plumber who already makes great money not being able to by a business?

I, a registered republican, who voted for bush the first time (sorry) will vote for Obama
i don't want to come off as an asshole, but are you friggin' blind?

i am not saying mccain is a great speaker, but obama says "um" 5 times a minute.

please count the number of "um's,"

that was one thing that annoyed the shit out of me in college. kids would get up and mumble throught their speaches.

mccain sucks too, remember that.


Well-Known Member
Just a couple McCain quotes:

"Palin stood up against a corrupt governor in her own party, while she was running for governor.
What? no shit, so that means if he was corrupt EVERY person running against him was also, you guessed it, RUNNING AGAINST HIM.
"Palin is a fresh of b-bread air."
Sounding a little like "W" now.

My argument is that McCain reminds me of all dumb old people that act like they understand the current, but honestly just blindly want attention.


Well-Known Member
Let's see, McCain, a President that looks retarded, and probably has a lot of experience.

Or, Obama, a socialist who sounds, acts and talks like a retard (or a 12 year old).

Yeah... I can see how there's a lot of difficulty making that choice....

Especially considering that regardless of what Obama is saying, there is no way in hell that you can trust him to cut taxes. He's a socialist, and he's said it time and time again.

Hell, even Hillary was espousing Socialism. "If you aren't using it we're going to take it from you!"


Then the Democrats, who everyone that has been paying attention to current history for the last 40 years knows is ran by the Socialists, choose Obama.

They didn't choose him because he was to the right of Hillary. They chose him because he was to the Left of Hillary.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it.

His corrupt friends who rely on Regulation to make millions - Socialists
His pastor, running around saying God Damn America - Racist Hate Monger
His other friends - Former Socialist Terrorists

I don't know why I bother. It is clear that the left has closed their eyes to the faults in their demagogue, and will not see him for what he is.

Then again, many on the left are rooting for Obama, because they share his ideology. Hate for America, Hate for Capitalism, Hate for everyone that doesn't bow down and kiss their ass, and the ass of their heroes. Idiots like Lenin, Marx, Stalin, Palpot, Mao (who was a pedophile), Che Guevara (who might have nuked the United States).

Why the hell do so many of you people believe in an ideology that his even more corrupt than Capitalism?

An ideology that is directly responsible for over 80 Million Deaths (If you don't include its religion, environmentalism, which is directly responsible for another 30 - 50 Million)

That's over 130 Million dead because of the same ideology Obama believes.

130 Million - Socialism and Environmentalism make Hitler look like a Pansy.

Why are you so intent on bending over and raising your ass to some one that is going to send more foreign aid abroad when our own country is in the shitter?

Why are you so intent on bending over for some one that has yet to actually speak plainly and honestly instead of dressing up what he is saying in bullshit words?

CHANGE? Obama isn't Change, he's the same old BS Socialist Democrat running on the same dumb ass policies as before. More welfare, more socialism, more state control of your minds, thoughts, education, drugs, behavior, etc.


It's just a damn shame that so many are going to be dragged along with you damn morons.

Not content to try out your stupid ideas in just one state...

oh wait, you did, in California,

and what is going on in California?

The only thing left for the Great Socialist State of Kalifornia is the whole stinking corpse to burst.

Silicon Valley... barely, more like Silicon Ghost Valley.

The state is bankrupt, and needs its own Federal Bail Out.

What about NY, once an industrial state?

If they weren't so good at shafting Americans on Wall Street New York City would be a Ghost Town.

Michigan? Ohio?

The Unions destroyed those states by being greedy (just as the CEO's did), but when you are faced with looters, it is sometimes easier to go along with them just to make sure you can grab the largest chunks for yourself.


Well-Known Member
i don't want to come off as an asshole, but are you friggin' blind?

i am not saying mccain is a great speaker, but obama says "um" 5 times a minute.

please count the number of "um's,"

that was one thing that annoyed the shit out of me in college. kids would get up and mumble throught their speaches.

mccain sucks too, remember that.
lets see you get up there and debate and not say um once every so often..... hot


Well-Known Member
Out of the two you really feel more comfortable with McCain/Palin?
Not really, I'd rather have Ron Paul, but since I have to choose between McCain and Obama, yes, I'm going to vote for McCain. Better the person we do know then the person we don't.

We can at least predict how McCain is going to make policy. There is no guessing how Obama is going to make policy. He doesn't have enough of a record for us to really predict how he is going to act.


Well-Known Member
Not really, I'd rather have Ron Paul, but since I have to choose between McCain and Obama, yes, I'm going to vote for McCain. Better the person we do know then the person we don't.

We can at least predict how McCain is going to make policy. There is no guessing how Obama is going to make policy. He doesn't have enough of a record for us to really predict how he is going to act.

Well at least we agree on Ron Paul


Well-Known Member
Well at least we agree on Ron Paul
The best thing McCain could have done was to have joined the Democrats like he said he was going to in 2004, but I guess he got unmanned by Hillary...

But still, you know what they say, "There are Bold Soldiers, and there are Old Soldiers, but there are no Old Bold Soldiers."


Well-Known Member
Who's holding the gun to your head TBT?
Myself, and my desire not to see Obama in Office...

Of course, maybe Obama will "Obama" the Socialists and reveal himself to be a believe in Capitalism that was just using them to get ahead... though I doubt it.