Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Decided to go the led route and ordered an hlg 550 to beef up the flower tent and a 300 for veg... I'm so fucked when the missus checks the credit card. Hoping the results will be worth the cash.
Nice mate i reckon you'll be pretty happy. 4x4 space is good, 27-28c with lights on. 29 inches for veg. Start flower after stretch at 18" then drop down as much as ya can without hurting em. That plus cal mag and you should kill it.
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Well-Known Member
Front patio atm!! Oh what a mess I’ve landed myself in!! E9D8FB4E-89BB-420B-BA40-EAB6B795DA33.jpeg


Last two are the ones that nearly died. Fark maybe I should have let them:roll:

So no one knows if I just leave em be if they will flower now or have I missed the boat?