I'm voting for a real Democrat in 2020


Well-Known Member
Because she isn't a white Male.
Yeah, I keep hearing that. A woman was quoted on NPR this morning saying that very same thing. She was worried that a woman might have the same disadvantage Hillary had against Trump. She was most concerned about beating Trump than anything else.

I'll wait for the debates and releases of policy positions before making up my mind. I get that beating Trump is the main worry on people's minds. For me, it's "vote on principle in the primary and tactically in the general election".


Well-Known Member
The editorial board for the Barre Montpelier Times Argus, a newspaper in Vermont, is begging Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to not run for president in 2020.

"Bernie Sanders should not run for president. In fact, we beg him not to," the editorial board begins in a piece published on Saturday.

The board goes on to say that they have more reasons to be concerned than excited about another Sanders run for the White House. It writes about its fears that a Sanders run for president could divide "the well-fractured Democratic Party, and could lead to another split in the 2020 presidential vote."


Well-Known Member
The editorial board for the Barre Montpelier Times Argus, a newspaper in Vermont, is begging Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to not run for president in 2020.

"Bernie Sanders should not run for president. In fact, we beg him not to," the editorial board begins in a piece published on Saturday.

The board goes on to say that they have more reasons to be concerned than excited about another Sanders run for the White House. It writes about its fears that a Sanders run for president could divide "the well-fractured Democratic Party, and could lead to another split in the 2020 presidential vote."
That is what Republicans hope for.

I don't think we should put the desire to pick a "most electable" candidate over democracy. The more the merrier IMO.

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
Why is a soon to be 80 year old even being considered for a run? It is completely baffling unless he is simply there to split the Dem vote again and allow Trump a second term.
Shhh! Gotta get that free college degree! Bernie 2020!

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
The editorial board for the Barre Montpelier Times Argus, a newspaper in Vermont, is begging Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to not run for president in 2020.

"Bernie Sanders should not run for president. In fact, we beg him not to," the editorial board begins in a piece published on Saturday.

The board goes on to say that they have more reasons to be concerned than excited about another Sanders run for the White House. It writes about its fears that a Sanders run for president could divide "the well-fractured Democratic Party, and could lead to another split in the 2020 presidential vote."
fuck yeah! Bernie 2020!!


Well-Known Member
Shhh! Gotta get that free college degree! Bernie 2020!
The tax cut that Republicans gave to the wealthy last year was enough to pay for college tuition for every student with enough left over to pay for rebuilding roads, bridges and remediation of aging water supplies. Investing in kid's futures and making this country run more efficiently has a much better payback than funding corporate stock buy-backs.

Bernie got that right. Now that he brought those ideas into the national discussion, they won't go away. It's just a matter of time before this country takes those tax cuts away from unproductive uses and puts them to work for the benefit of the people of this country.

I'm guessing that this is where you call better funding for education, roads and water quality Communism. Of course you'd be virtue signalling if you do.


Well-Known Member

Funny how the Democratic Party would rather scream about people than seriously discuss ideas.

No wonder they can't get the American People to take them seriously anymore.

Clinton was more pro business, more warlike and less tolerant than nearly any Republican to come before her. She was proof that the Democratic Party has turned its back on the average American.

History will be the judge.