Greenpoint seeds!!


Well-Known Member
Let me tell yall a story real fast!!

OK so there was the cruise ship, and something was wrong and the engines wouldn't turn on, so the guy called everyone from around the world to fix it, and well no one could!!

Then this old man comes to look at it! He spends 20 min looking around then takes out his hammer and hits one pipe! Well all a sudden it's fixed and the engine runs!

Well he sends the boat owners a bill for 20k! The ppl freak out and say wtf u didn't do anything but tap a hammer why should we pay u 20k and they asked for itemized list of what he did!

So the old man writes down a piece of paper

10$ for hammer
5$ for tapping of hammer
19,985$ for knowing where to tap!

Moral of the story it's doesn't matter if it's hard work some things are just worth what there worth! And skills are paid much more than physical labor!
Point well taken, work smarter not harder


Well-Known Member
My entire life, and everything up till now was built on knowing where to tap. Or figuring it out.

All breeders of cannabis are chuckers. It isn’t scientific at this point though it is starting more that way. Tissue cultures and
Genetic testing will help define true medical traits. But let’s not all get high and mighty on the breeder bro science. High level chuckers. That’s all. We the buyers are searching for rare phenos and some solid traits. Time and patience are what we employ.
Thats my point, your not gonna unlock nothing if u dont do some chucking, gotta start somewhere and it's just common sense

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
The metal halide bulb finish the last two weeks was key
I'd like to know more of your thoughts on this. MH only the last two weeks? You attribute this to the early finish?

Wet shirt , dirty hands ,calluses, exhaustion, sleep as soon as your head hits the pillow
I don't mind saying that I successfully avoided all of that. You only go around once....may as well make it easy peasy. You ever hear of my store bought spaghetti sauce method of weed growing?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know more of your thoughts on this. MH only the last two weeks? You attribute this to the early finish?

I don't mind saying that I successfully avoided all of that. You only go around once....may as well make it easy peasy. You ever hear of my store bought spaghetti sauce method of weed growing?
Not so much early finish but the frost for sure


Well-Known Member
The Deputy I grew was exactly like that, I kept a close eye and plucked her when the trichs looked right.
Turned out to be a favorite daytime smoke... though it can definitely be over done :sleep:it's some potent weed.
Yeah I got a deputy, the main cola and the ones under it are fairly all white...while the others are fairly red. Enough to drive ya nuts.


Well-Known Member
I do agree breeding takes a bit of intelligence and tons of patience but I can't say it takes intense labor, E.g. hard work, thats all got. Gotta go to work lol


Well-Known Member
Idk , I'm really still on the fence with the breeding argument, I understand people put in a lot of time and don't want it copied, but at the same time does anybody really own a plant or strain that God put here for everybody to share. I'm sure somebody put in some work on the chem strains before chemdog or jj or whoever got there hands on it down the line. There's just to many angles to look at it.
For quite a few years, (fem) seeds was about all you could get. They saved their genetics that way. Greenhouse seeds was one. They have never sold a (reg) seed to this day to my knowledge. Sold them through their sister company, Apothecary Seeds.Regs almost cost as much as fems back around 2004-08. seeds are a lot cheaper except for Soma's and TGA and the rest of the breeders belonging to "United Growers Union" Local #420 or they're local , "Lodge of the Crafts".
My entire life, and everything up till now was built on knowing where to tap. Or figuring it out.

All breeders of cannabis are chuckers. It isn’t scientific at this point though it is starting more that way. Tissue cultures and
Genetic testing will help define true medical traits. But let’s not all get high and mighty on the breeder bro science. High level chuckers. That’s all. We the buyers are searching for rare phenos and some solid traits. Time and patience are what we employ.
You can send a pc of a stem to the lab and they can tell you the future THC and CBD content and the Terpene profile and you haven't even grown it yet. Like the movie where they arrest you before you actually commit the crime.Big Pharma will eventually own the whole industry before it is over.


Well-Known Member
Thats my point, your not gonna unlock nothing if u dont do some chucking, gotta start somewhere and it's just common sense
One time I took all my F2's from Cannabis Cup winners and other top of the line strains from GreenHouse Seeds, Connoisseur Genetics, TGA, Soma Seeds, Cali connection and even some Spanish Seed Companies and had 144 plants total and I let them all breed each other in 1 big orgy. I have ended up with some fantastic phenos from the seeds. It is my "go to" seeds almost every year since. They never let me down. I always have something that jumps out at me from these multi-pollinated seeds.


Well-Known Member
One time I took all my F2's from Cannabis Cup winners and other top of the line strains from GreenHouse Seeds, Connoisseur Genetics, TGA, Soma Seeds, Cali connection and even some Spanish Seed Companies and had 144 plants total and I let them all breed each other in 1 big orgy. I have ended up with some fantastic phenos from the seeds. It is my "go to" seeds almost every year since. They never let me down. I always have something that jumps out at me from these multi-pollinated seeds.
I almost never get all my males out of my spots outside in time because some are so far away i might only make a handful of trips, so I end up with alot of crossed up seeds and do keep most of them and most are labeled whatever the mom is x ? Because I loose track or just don't know what the pollen donor was. I never put these in the same ballpark as ordered seeds but alot of times I grow these side by side with good bought genetics and alot of the time im just amazed because they turn out as good or better sometimes. It just goes to show any chuck can turn out gold.


Well-Known Member
One time I took all my F2's from Cannabis Cup winners and other top of the line strains from GreenHouse Seeds, Connoisseur Genetics, TGA, Soma Seeds, Cali connection and even some Spanish Seed Companies and had 144 plants total and I let them all breed each other in 1 big orgy. I have ended up with some fantastic phenos from the seeds. It is my "go to" seeds almost every year since. They never let me down. I always have something that jumps out at me from these multi-pollinated seeds.
Did it smell like anal sex and sweaty socks in there?