How Does Your Garden Grow??????


Well-Known Member
I grew one in a kiddie pool. Fucker got huge. I got tired of picking the little shits, so I stopped watering it and let it die. I do like eating them in the garden, but nothing like a Pruden's Purple or Brandywine.
I've had the worst luck with Brandywines. The plants grow like gangbusters, but I haven't gotten much in the way of fruit. Maybe it gets too hot, I'm not sure. Great tomatoes though.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I've had the worst luck with Brandywines. The plants grow like gangbusters, but I haven't gotten much in the way of fruit. Maybe it gets too hot, I'm not sure. Great tomatoes though.
Rain will fuck them up too. Last year I didn't do very well with them. But it started to rain in June and never stopped. All my tomatoes, squash, all that sort of thing, died.


Well-Known Member
i got one strawberry off of my plants and now something is fucking them up. i'm guessing slugs or some other bugs, they don't have actual bite marks, but there are nasty looking pits in them. all the rain is keeping my plants small, and it seems to be boosting the slug population to record highs. supposed to finally start drying out next week, i'm gonna start some new peppers and may a couple more eggplants to put out as soon as they get big enough
I had something getting into my berries and couldn't figure out what it was until I watched a Robin pecking away. Could be birds eating your strawberries.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I snapped quick picture of some starts I've got. These are in coco coir, they came up twice as fast the seeds I planted in the garden bed. Left to right is an heirloom pumpkin, Armenian cucumber and straight eight cucumber. I'm so sold on coco now that I know not to treat it like dirt.
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Those look good. I don't have room for pumpkins this year. A couple of years ago I grew 2-3 kinds of sweet pumpkins and didn't really eat but one or two. I need to grow some somewhere where they won't have to compete for real estate.


Well-Known Member
Those look good. I don't have room for pumpkins this year. A couple of years ago I grew 2-3 kinds of sweet pumpkins and didn't really eat but one or two. I need to grow some somewhere where they won't have to compete for real estate.
These ones will be an experiment. I'm planning on putting them into a large fabric pot of coco under my ghetto shade structure (easy up with shade cloth zip tied over it), and letting the vines run wild. My dog loves pumpkin in her food, and these came from saved seeds that were from a pumpkin she especially liked. The cukes will get the same treatment, but I'll likely be trellising those. Hope it all goes according to plan.

too larry

Well-Known Member
These ones will be an experiment. I'm planning on putting them into a large fabric pot of coco under my ghetto shade structure (easy up with shade cloth zip tied over it), and letting the vines run wild. My dog loves pumpkin in her food, and these came from saved seeds that were from a pumpkin she especially liked. The cukes will get the same treatment, but I'll likely be trellising those. Hope it all goes according to plan.
We used to have a sugar pumpkin variety that we kept for years. We always planted where we had fed the cows in the past. All that old hay and cow shit was great for pumpkins. But the seeds are gone now. All the old stuff we grew when I was a kid is lost. It is so hard to keep seeds pure.