Time for Democrats to Fight Dirty


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I can agree with that. Still, charging a sitting president with a crime is only unprecedented, not unconstitutional. Furthermore, we're already well into uncharted water. I don't think he's going to resign either. You can call tricky dick a lot of names but not stupid. He had the good sense to resign, something that I think the current president lacks. In any case, no matter how much longer his regime lasts, he will continue to be under the same sort of scrutiny as he has been since the inauguration. If he were to resign, he'd be pardoned immediately by Penice and free to tweet all day.
Pence might be caught up in the whole thing too. It would be something to behold if both were removed when the Speaker of the House is Pelosi. Yeah, I'm daydreaming.
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Well-Known Member
The truly funny part is the policies of the Dems would hugely benefit Trump's brokedick white base.
They aren't truly economically deprived. Median income for Trump voters is $60k. Even lower wage working class whites voted seemingly against their self interest but look again.

Trump's racist rhetoric promised an elevated position for white people including lower wage white workers. There has always been a tangible benefit to being white in the US -- access to better schools, police aren't as likely to stop or do worse to whites, access to loans and so forth.

Here's a link to an article on why working class whites probably didn't get it all wrong when they voted for a Trumpian-Republican government.

Does the White Working Class Really Vote Against Its Own Interests?


Well-Known Member
Your stupidity is all of our undoing.

The Democrats ARE the Republicans and the recently exposed shenanigans of the DCCC has proven it to everyone.

I'm a Progressive and there are many more like me. Your feeble smears only make you look foolish, they don't change the fact that America's Overton Window is hopelessly out of touch with the needs and desires of the vast majority of its citizens.

Your blind hatred of Bernie has clouded your vision. He's shown that once party is stripped from the conversation, people overwhelmingly want the same things from our government- and it doesn't matter if those people identify as type R or D.

Things will continue to get worse until this is finally acknowledged.

And things do indeed look to get worse;

Democrats like those do not represent me and they won't get my vote. Clear enough?
People don’t overwhelmingly want the same things from government

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
Pence might be caught up in the whole thing too. It would be something to behold if both were removed when the Speaker of the House is Pelosi. Yeah, I'm daydreaming.
righties would start a civil war. they would not accept the truth or the law. all rules would be off. we could do serious damage to trumpsters under those conditions.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
if you think only repubs are armed, bring it !!!!!
I have no idea. I'm not a republican.

I do know some gun polishers, and I respect their right to fondle their weapons, although blatant gun worship and display isn't my thing.

I grew up in a family that hunted and I believe gun ownership for self defense should be up to the individual. Not a fan of "gun control" because in order to do it, gun controllers would have to use guns to make it happen, not to mention gun control is a component of tyrannical government's advancement. Fuck that.

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
I have no idea. I'm not a republican.

I do know some gun polishers, and I respect their right to fondle their weapons, although blatant gun worship and display isn't my thing.

I grew up in a family that hunted and I believe gun ownership for self defense should be up to the individual. Not a fan of "gun control" because in order to do it, gun controllers would have to use guns to make it happen, not to mention gun control is a component of tyrannical government's advancement. Fuck that.
who brought up gun control?