Ph meter for ProMix?


Well-Known Member
Can anyone recommend a high quality ph meter that will work for promix? Price isnt a issue but id like something thats very accurate and dependable...


Well-Known Member
Is there a need to ph the promix outside?

Promix hp is my ph meter for keeps everything at the perfect ph with azomite and dolomitic lime


Well-Known Member
Is there a need to ph the promix outside?

Promix hp is my ph meter for keeps everything at the perfect ph with azomite and dolomitic lime

Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine?
But I do it!
Makes me feel alive.

I don’t have problems with it shifting, but if you where feeding with unstable ph , or if you had bug or some other problems with the roots , your ph will swing , using a monitor will help catch a change early,

I usually do a little extra water once every 7-10 days and check the ppm & ph of the run off. To see what’s happening in there.



Well-Known Member
I have a bucket that I collect my runoff in, 250-500 ml from each watering of a 3G pot. When It is full after a week or so, I use my blue labs combo meter and measure that ph. Good to see any overall trends or changes averaged out over a whole week or two, and over all the plants, versus just one pot in one moment. Combo meter is 265 and you measure tds/ph in liquids. If you want to measure soil, you just soak it in water solution for a couple of hours and measure the sludge. either way blue labs is good !