If you Voted for Bernie Sanders or wrote him in or


Well-Known Member
Nuclear war is coming. The military industrial complex, tethered by strings to Soros, Koch, then the Rockefellers. Fun fact: Putin is worth about 200 Billion himself. Bill Gates could shine his shoes.

America is losing it grip on the world. No more ww2 hero stuff. Rich old men have corrupted all that was peace.

Nice knowing you fu¢kers. They're gonna trim the herd by a half dozen billion. Isn't anything you or I to do. Voting never mattered no matter how much you wish it did.

The mad people are gonna burn this world. So embrace the madness because I do believe we're all seriously Fu¢ked.


Well-Known Member
Don't know you. Were you one of those apathetic pricks who advocated staying home?
If you are well then. Fuck you too.
I'm the mystical "middle". That's not suppose to exist. The ones that refused to be played a bit¢h. Which doesn't matter. The radioactive will fall on me too. So all the hateful diatribe...just doesn't matter.


Well-Known Member
sosdd with the right and left. "money, power, war, money, money, injustice, money!!!"

whatever you do don't audit the Fed or anything.


Well-Known Member
Oh just stfu already, please?

You're ruining my delicious whiskey that I had to work for and wasn't given for free.

Fuck your cheap swill.

And your worthless candidate who's more interested in representing millionaires than the rest of us.

Even dumb ass cheap whiskey drinkers.


Well-Known Member

Fuck your cheap swill.

And your worthless candidate who's more interested in representing millionaires than the rest of us.

Even dumb ass cheap whiskey drinkers.
My whiskey collection is probably worth more than your house, princess.

Won popular vote by 3 million: "Worthless candidate".

You're a joke dude, no-one likes you except your other two Dumbskiteers.


Well-Known Member
My whiskey collection is probably worth more than your house, princess.

Won popular vote by 3 million: "Worthless candidate".

You're a joke dude, no-one likes you except your other two Dumbskiteers.
Lost the election, along with a thousand of her peers.

I'm not in this for a popularity contest.

You think Maker's Mark is a fine brand of hooch, tasteless clod. Worse, you think that bragging about a booze collection impressed me in the slightest, on a weed forum.

Try spending your money on an education instead.


Well-Known Member
Lost the election, along with a thousand of her peers.

I'm not in this for a popularity contest.

You think Maker's Mark is a fine brand of hooch, tasteless clod. Worse, you think that bragging about a booze collection impressed me in the slightest, on a weed forum.

Try spending your money on an education instead.
I got one, that's why I'm not crying that shit is so fucking hard, unlike you.