Too dark?


Well-Known Member
Ok so looking in the morning new growth darkened right up just from the nutrient I added last night. With how far back and forth I can't even remember what a normal green is! Here's some light off pic of what they look like after the minor feed last night. When I get out of work I'll do the 80% recommended.



Well-Known Member
I'd say you really were from the future. Out of work and new growth is even lighter already. Looks hungry.


Well-Known Member
And did you mean only issues if the leaf it self turns purple? When I was talking about purple I was talking about my fan leaf stems


Well-Known Member
Ok between you being from the future, and hearing whispers of "pour it, and we will come" we have skipped ramp up and went full Willy Nilly 80% mixture! Your either going to need to give me a shoulder to cry on, or an anonymous PO box to mail epic success with your magic mixture.


Well-Known Member
I guess also as I eye them should I anticipate any burning or curling as it adjusts to much more potent mixture? Or should they take it like a champ?


Well-Known Member
And did you mean only issues if the leaf it self turns purple? When I was talking about purple I was talking about my fan leaf stems
purple on the stem doesn't indicate anything

purple on the leaf can mean something

you shouldnt see additional leaf curl,,, if you do ease back on the ppm(maybe 750)

but I would be surprised.... and it would mean you have an exceptionally sensitive plant

mandala strains (for example satori) are known for having low nute requirements and they would have no issues

your reservoir daily log will tell you if your over feeding before you get leaf curl unless you've just added an insane amount
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Well-Known Member
Ok that's good to know, if ppm is higher in the morn I will dilute some before work. And also nice to know I can forget about the purple stem. Thank you very much sir, hope to show you some massive growth over the next couple days.


Well-Known Member
It's gonna be very hard to remember exactly where the old curling stopped to be able to detect and new curling. So knowing ppm will show first makes it easier.


Well-Known Member
And this is supposed to be the "original" cheese. I can't be 100% sure as my guy didn't get it from seed. But I did purchase some green poison seeds from a bank and he has a mother going for round two. Currently I get clones from him as it saves me needing a seperate room for mothers.


Well-Known Member
Ppm dropped to roughly 750 this morning. Didn't drink as much. Maybe they were drinking so much before searching for nutrient.


Well-Known Member
bring the ppm back up to roughly 850ppm +/- but don't raise it higher yet.....

the ppm was bound to drop in response to the low feeds you've been giving them

so they ate like they haven't eaten in a week... they may not continue to feed as heavy so keep the ppm the same

if in 3 days time the ppm keeps dropping then increase the feed to suggested full mix

the easiest way to top off the buckets and raise the ppm is to mix in a separate container first and then add it to your buckets

for example;
in a 5 gallon bucket mix 4 gallons water with your nute mix only double strength or even 4x strength

then top off your buckets until you reach the target ppm


Well-Known Member
Gotcha, I'll move slow. Ppm stayed roughly the same while water level dropping about 2 inches from the morn. So ppm says they are not being over fed by any means, I know you say it's a bit early for visual signs but they are by far the healthiest I've seen them. I know stretching is usually viewed as bad but my girls have been so short and bushy they really need some stretching. Distance between nodes finally seems to be spacing out a tad.


Well-Known Member
What's your beliefs on trimming? Obviously a million different views and reasoning. I realize I over did it and turned it into a bad thing. But my belief seems to remain periodic trimming can be very beneficial. Do you think I'm getting led in the wrong direction? During veg with strong growth it seems like roughly weekly trimmings to snip low branches that will never make it up or damaged leafs could still be a good thing. And it does seem a good trim of big fans before flower would be good to allow air and light to the bud sites you want to grow. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
personally I only remove bottom fan leaves and bud sites that aren't receiving light or that aren't healthy (usually from not enough light)

some might call this lolipoping but I don't do it to that extreme

then in late bloom around week 7 or 8 I will begin removing the largest fan leaves

my goal to de foliating is to only do it with the intention of improving air flow or remove growth that's not getting enough light

on a rare occasion if I have a plant that is extremely bushy during flower I will pluck out a few fans
but I don't usually do this during veg because a bushy plant during veg can still stretch like a bitch in flower... so I usually wait until im in flower ot make that determination

so in short

I don't recommend you pull the leaves...if they healthy why bother

have you every heard of a guy who has a solar system on his home to generate electricity say the words
" gee wiz I wish I had fewer solar panels"

nope never... the more solar panels the better... provided the panels are receiving light and remaining healthy


Well-Known Member
Ok so my idea of removing big fans to let air and light to buds shouldn't really occur until late flower when bud sites have already populated and I think they what simply fatten up the last couple weeks? I was under the impression it needed light to know where to populate bud sites. You probably saved me some heart ache there!


Well-Known Member
So if I'm gonna anticipate a stretch I think it's time to flip them.. When do you decide to change their. Nutrient to a flowering ratio?


Well-Known Member
Also if you could choose to give them proper light spectrum for veg and proper for flower, would you change the spectrum once you switch to 12/12 or once you consider the plant to be flowering?