Here we go


Well-Known Member
Tangie, you're gonna have to give more than one sentence to convey your point.

I'm all for a balanced budget. But North Korea is armed with nukes. And they are developing the means to deliver them here. And they are openly telling us that they will nuke us when they can. And they are ruled by a young, immature, entitled fat kid.

Why the fuck shouldn't we believe the fucking bastards when they tell us that?

Minor war now, or major war later. It's our choice. I vote for the minor war now.
Ya know, you actually sound like goofy Bush when he pretended Iraq had something to do with 9/11.

Syria has nothing to do with North Korea. Nothing.

Russia is right there, they know exactly what Syria is doing. They probably supplied the gas.

But since they helped Trump get elected, we aren't going to mention that.

We are still in debt over Iraq.

If you want wars, they need to be funded. War tax. Everybody pays 5%. Everybody. Corporations too.
See how that goes over. If you're not willing to pay out of pocket, STFU.


Well-Known Member
Oh she peeks in. Just this evening in fact. Talk about being brainwashed. Just look at that shit she retweets. I think she is fantasizing about Assad now while her husband is ... whatever. He's dreamy.
this is being reported by sputnik, so take it with a grain of salt - but syria is threatening to scud bomb israel if there are any more attacks on their soil.



Well-Known Member
No, it's what world leaders do to combat senseless aggression (serious chemical weapons that killed civilians).

And to boot, it sends a serious message to North Korea that our new POTUS is not the pussy that was in the White House before him.
Problem being Trump himself said almost verbatim thing you were arguing. in a tweet, october 2012 that obama probably will luanch an attack on iran or somewhere because of low polls, desperat. Something to that effect . Hes a hypocrite. And he has no plan for anything beyond the act, no thoughts of other dominos his act may have caused to fall...