How to validate a stereotype, presented by Buzzfeed


Well-Known Member
No doubt Bernie is more progressive than Hillary, but on gun control she had him. I'm bothered that he thinks five days is to long of a waiting period for a hand gun, I've waited longer for a set of tires. Further more, I don't see a problem with holding gun manufacturers and dealers accountable if found to be negligent.
If someone picks up a hammer and smashes your head in (like Ben Carson did to his mother) should you be able to bring suit against the hammer manufacturer for being?

That's Sanders' point.
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Well-Known Member
That's surprising

How many democratically elected governments is the CIA responsible for ousting? The failed intel blunder that helped change American opinion to supporting war?
It's not just the CIA though. In order to believe this is BS, you'd have to believe that the CIA, the FBI, a dozen other intelligence agencies, John McCain, President Obama, etc are all lying.

To what end? What purpose would it serve to manufacture something like this?


Well-Known Member
Thats not what the sign is saying. Its saying if you dont like it, take your business elsewhere. Ya know, instead of staying and being an asshole who expects everyone to change to suit your feelings.
Change? Like religious tolerance?

As if you know what you are talking about. The signs are nailed up in the public way because the business owners realize that putting a sign like that up will lose them business.


Well-Known Member
I'll give you that to an extent. I think Clinton says she's to the left of Sanders, but Sanders is also very clearly left wing when it comes to gun control. Take this clip for instance;

It shows during one of the debates both of their stances on gun control. I agree with everything Kyle says in regards to Sanders stance. The biggest criticism is his votes for the Brady Bill, aside from that, he's squeaky clean, progressive, pragmatic and honest. I'd appreciate your response to the debate question and Kyle's commentary if you don't mind
That's because the Brady Bill was wrapped up with other items he wanted to vote for and he had no choice..that's part of compromise.

And he IS squeaky clean, but let's just keep trying to pick him apart.

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
Wouldn't do me much good to own guns if I couldn't shoot them well, would it?
About as much good as it does all the other noobs that own guns they can't shoot worth a damn.
The AR15 guys are the worst- I regularly outshoot them at the range with my 1951 SAKO .222

But even if I was a bad shot, it's hard to miss close range with a 12 gauge.

Aim, spray, repeat as needed :)
Ramboisms, while colorful and amusing, do little to sway my opinion.


Well-Known Member
The Bush administration's claim of WMDs in Iraq as a justification for the invasion was taken from members of the intelligence community (FBI, CIA)

"George Bush, in a moment of reflection ahead of his departure from the White House, last night admitted that the decision to go to war against Saddam Hussein on the basis of flawed intelligence was the biggest regret of his presidency. The acknowledgment marks the first time that Bush has publicly expressed doubts about his rationale for going to war on Iraq.

In the run-up to the war, the White House adopted a position of absolute certainty that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, basing its arguments on intelligence that was later exposed as flimsy and wrong.

"The biggest regret of all the presidency has to have been the intelligence failure in Iraq," Bush told ABC television in an interview scheduled for broadcast last night. "I wish the intelligence had been different, I guess." But he followed that moment of candour with an attempt to try to deflect charges that the White House misled Congress and the public to build a case for war, arguing that there had been widespread belief that Saddam had a nuclear arsenal."

Why don't you just post the evidence Russia and Putin hacked the DNC that convinced you?

Why are you avoiding answering what was so bad in the DNC email leak that could have influenced Americans to vote for Trump over Clinton?
Because, clearly Pada, there is nothing to be said..


Well-Known Member
Hillary who?

It's all about President Elect Trump for the next 2 years minimum.
Hmm. So if I were to look at your posts since 11/8, you've done no complaining about Hillary losing because of the EC, or Comeys letter, or Russian hacking, or...?

You've moved on?
Honestly, to me it seems to be the Bernie or bust crowd that won't let it go. I'm guilty of of poking fun at Trump's praise of Putin or using popular vote comments to deligitimize Trump's presidency, but what goes around comes around.