Verbal Diarrhea live


Well-Known Member
As usual, you have it all completely backwards. Just like your trickle up theory, everything you believe is reversed and flipped upside down. Let's ignore Obama's border wide open policy and blame it all on Reagan. :dunce:
I'm sure you're way to young to even know about Reagan you little fool. Not GOP, but always on the side of GOP. Confused young idiot


Well-Known Member
Trump is not looking good tonight. Marco is all in his ass, but his supporters will swear he won. That's what you get with the poorly educated. Cruz looking weak as well. Someone please wake Carson up.
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Well-Known Member
I like Kasich. I would consider voting for him
I felt the same way until he went full retard on PP

He was just able to hide his stupid/crazy a little better than the rest. The fucked up thing is I'm pretty sure that was a political stunt just to garner more of the stupid/crazy republican base vote that didn't work because his competition is saying the same shit just going 100 miles farther. Kasich says "Defund Planned Parenthood!" while Trump and Cruz say "Defund Planned Parenthood and rape Cecile Richards and murder anyone who works there and beat up anyone who ever thought about getting an abortion!!!" and that's what resonates with the retard base who believe PP sells baby parts for profit


Well-Known Member
I felt the same way until he went full retard on PP

He was just able to hide his stupid/crazy a little better than the rest. The fucked up thing is I'm pretty sure that was a political stunt just to garner more of the stupid/crazy republican base vote that didn't work because his competition is saying the same shit just going 100 miles farther. Kasich says "Defund Planned Parenthood!" while Trump and Cruz say "Defund Planned Parenthood and rape Cecile Richards and murder anyone who works there and beat up anyone who ever thought about getting an abortion!!!" and that's what resonates with the retard base who believe PP sells baby parts for profit
PP does sell baby parts for money. That really isnt in dispute. If I give you something and you give me cash you just sold it to me.

If you dont like the law then change the law so you can cut babies up and sell them any time you want.


Well-Known Member
PP does sell baby parts for money. That really isnt in dispute. If I give you something and you give me cash you just sold it to me.

If you dont like the law then change the law so you can cut babies up and sell them any time you want.
so why were charges not levied on PP, because what you say is not true.

The full video shows that after Nucatola mentions the $30 to $100, she describes how those amounts would be reimbursement for expenses related to handling and transportation of the tissues.

full read here:

That's like me saying I would give you a Playstation 4 but you have to pay for the shipping, which is 30. Now a PlayStation 4 is worth 350 dollars, but you only paid 30 for the shipping. I just gave you a PS4, you paid for shipping.