Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
lol... could and have been addicted
zannies and an upper, say coke or x

and dilaudid have always been my weakness.. i cant do an upper without hitting gabba, aint happening. even a few drinks will do. too panicky i guess

depending on opiate, yes they are different with different effect, it can be much more than warm and cozy. thats just like basic hydro for me, tolerance aside

for example
Only love making i did with my ex wife was with a ton of dilaudid (i can only complete the mission on some hydromorphone too, to much oxy or whatev and youll get hard sure, but...)
. Shit have us in a dream, talkin sweet, maybe bout the future. Maybe the only time we were actually in love. Pop a few and lay in bed all day,put yo head on my chest and just lay, drift away...

Opiates can give me a feeling of complete comfort and bliss. everything at peace.

them triangles of love man...

anyway. good luck

oh and keep in mind its a little different if your actually in pain while taking them
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