USA's prison system surpasses Soviet Gulags


Well-Known Member
Oir jails are filled to the brim with people who have mental illness. I have mental illness and I'm lucky enough to have decent insurance and was able to get the help I needed. But if I hadn't, like soooo many people, I'd be dead right now. We have to help these ppl... before crimes are committed. And the way to do that is to not turn anyone away. To put money into treatment centers and not our damn military.

So the man who rapes and kills a man`s daughter should get three hot`s and a cot till he is rehabilitated ? Should one rape and kill my daughter, prison and rehab are not an option.

I think what you wanna say is that you should not mix the criminals with the mentally ill. That, I`ll listen to. But then the who pays for it thing pops up.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'm not giving you advice because you do not retain knowledge oddball. You cannot even spell or use proper grammar. My advice, let the adults talk. Please go sit at the children's table dear.

....and no dessert until he finishes his vegetables!!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So the man who rapes and kills a man`s daughter should get three hot`s and a cot till he is rehabilitated ? Should one rape and kill my daughter, prison and rehab are not an option.

I think what you wanna say is that you should not mix the criminals with the mentally ill. That, I`ll listen to. But then the who pays for it thing pops up.
No, the man who harms another should restitute them and pay for his own maintenance until he does.

The man who does no harm to another or their property etc. should not be made a statutory criminal. Many (most?) of the so called criminals in the USA (and the world) aren't real criminals. They are people that disobeyed a controlling edict which had nothing to do with protecting a real person.


Well-Known Member
I'm not giving you advice because you do not retain knowledge oddball. You cannot even spell or use proper grammar. My advice, let the adults talk. Please go sit at the children's table dear.

So when you typed ..."aND" and hAve, was correct because it was spelt right ?
Jail is hell on earth. Anything goes. The guards beat ur ass just as often, ppl steal ur food, no one cares. Ppl die in American jails every day for how little ppl care. I'm a human being with empathy and compassion. Jail is not a place for people. It's for animals.

Well, the next time you find a family killed by a stuck driver that they tried to help, just take him right home to your kids....K.....


A simple mind sees only simple things. Everything oddball says is simple. To fix a complex problem, one must look at the root of the problem. The root of our problem is. ....Imma say it again. ... we need to help our people before crimes are committed. People go through horrible problems and pains, we are only human. Every person has a breaking point. Everyone. We need to be there for our people. If we fall off a roof and break our backs, don't paramedics show up?
If someone is in a horrible depression due to their brain chemistry being off, etc.. no one calls 911. You HAVE to be suicidal in most places for them to even care because there are so few beds at mental institutions.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Quit it,....Everyone knows I can`t spell things well,...I smoked out that talent long ago. Lizzy is burning and taking on water, and I have not fired a shot yet,....was that you ?
Sorry, you're right. I was just being a dick, it's a learned thing here, you didn't deserve it. My apologies.


So when you typed ..."aND" and hAve, was correct because it was spelt right ?

Well, the next time you find a family killed by a stuck driver that they tried to help, just take him right home to your kids....K.....

I don't have kids and what's a stuck driver? They can't move? And yes to your question.


Well-Known Member
No, the man who harms another should restitute them and pay for his own maintenance until he does.

The man who does no harm to another or their property etc. should not be made a statutory criminal. Many (most?) of the so called criminals in the USA (and the world) aren't real criminals. They are people that disobeyed a controlling edict which had nothing to do with protecting a real person.
Look I`m all for a level imposed prison system and rehab centers for those not violent,...Mixing them all into one place isn`t the way to go but is being done. That`s not my fault.


You may have one off cases like that. .. but if you research the issue and always fact check, since the Internet is filled with lots of nonsense, you would learn that we do so little to help people with mental illness. Also, the numbers on mentally ill people in jail or prisons is astounding. You can't look at just one case.


Well-Known Member
I don't have kids and what's a stuck driver? They can't move? And yes to your question.
The stuck driver has a car in the middle of nowhere that don`t run. It`s happened to me, but I didn`t kill the nice people that offered help. Not too long ago, a real badass did just that. Bring that guy over for a beer and a smoke, treat him as you would your own family. Se how that plays out.


Well-Known Member
Jail is a symptom. The disease is the system which allows peaceful people to be made into criminals for simply trying to run their own lives.

I agree with you that once people are caught up in the legal trap, life gets harder for them. It would be better for a real criminal, that committed an actual crime to restitute the people they victimized. If there is no victim, then there isn't really an actual crime.

Good people disobey bad laws.
You are locked up for having sex with children. Just because a child gave you permission to have sex with them doesn't make it right.


Well-Known Member
You may have one off cases like that. .. but if you research the issue and always fact check, since the Internet is filled with lots of nonsense, you would learn that we do so little to help people with mental illness. Also, the numbers on mentally ill people in jail or prisons is astounding. You can't look at just one case.

And this is my fault because.....???


Well-Known Member
You may have one off cases like that. .. but if you research the issue and always fact check, since the Internet is filled with lots of nonsense, you would learn that we do so little to help people with mental illness. Also, the numbers on mentally ill people in jail or prisons is astounding. You can't look at just one case.

Maybe you forgot in the few minutes we been posting back and forth,...I been to prison,...4 times...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Look I`m all for a level imposed prison system and rehab centers for those not violent,...Mixing them all into one place isn`t the way to go but is being done. That`s not my fault.
When you vote to perpetuate a coercion based system, you aren't able to separate the goods and services from the bads and disservices that come with it are you? Who's fault is it ?

The "that's not my fault" or "I'm just doing my job" sayings are also things that the coercion based systems use to keep people from ever really focusing on peaceful solutions. They also help to grease the slippery slope and take away any concept of personal responsibility.


Ppl that kill ppl should be locked up. People that rape children, naw sucker, they should never see the light of day.

I've known ppl who have been locked up for over ten years for pot charges. And I know someone who murdered his wife and only served 4 years.

Something is very wrong with that


When you vote to perpetuate a coercion based system, you aren't able to separate the goods and services from the bads and disservices that come with it are you? Who's fault is it ?

The "that's not my fault" or "I'm just doing my job" sayings are also things that the coercion based systems use to keep people from ever really focusing on peaceful solutions. They also help to grease the slippery slope and take away any concept of personal responsibility.