the United states poised to take over Canada


Well-Known Member
Sorry shit is that way for you spider9....this needs to make the national media....
so this little town gets a big kick in the ass....from the rest of the country.....
if they want to be Americans why not just walk across the border....and get American citizenship..


Well-Known Member
Lol i was joking.
But it is true. Bikinis tend to gather in the tropics, cannada does not have a good car company and definitely no muscle cars, heavy sativas dont do well in your climate and lighting
Those are some pretty American things

If it makes you feel better i dont care much for the u.s.


Well-Known Member
we have some absolutely excellent beach's....and a lot fewer sharks...
the bikini ...contents....seem just a tad more wholesome from a cold climate....
I built a green house to grow my sativa's in.....and my next door neighbor....has a 64 Beaumont....that hauls ass..
I'm not all keen on Canada at the moment either


Well-Known Member
Lol i was joking.
But it is true. Bikinis tend to gather in the tropics, cannada does not have a good car company and definitely no muscle cars, heavy sativas dont do well in your climate and lighting
Those are some pretty American things

If it makes you feel better i dont care much for the u.s.
The largest fresh water beach in the world is in canada.
And some of the nicest muscle cars are built and stay here.
I realize you were trying to be funny dude but we dont all live in igloos either.


Well-Known Member
Fact of the matter is..cannada will never have a beach worth visiting.
Youll never have a car worth driving.
And you'll never have outdoor sativas worth smoking.

The u.s is great, if only for location.
Obviously never been to British Columbia, we got all that, we just keep it a secret. Last thing we need in Canada is a bunch of fat, gun toting, arrogant Yankees.
Your right....nothing to see here, move along.......Canada sucks eh.....



Well-Known Member
Whats the avg max and min temps up there? Or maybe monthly would be more appropriate.. could someone from the south take comfort somewhere up there?


Well-Known Member
Fact of the matter is..cannada will never have a beach worth visiting.
Youll never have a car worth driving.
And you'll never have outdoor sativas worth smoking.

The u.s is great, if only for location.
Clearly you've never been to the beaches of British Columbia. And the U.S. doesn't have a car worth driving either.


Well-Known Member
I remember snow..

Damn i looked into victoria, it seems real nice.

Hmmm i get another vacation soon, i might make me a trip and travel around. Ive only left the country for mexico so thatd be cool