The positive, economic effect of lowering the minimum wage to $0


Well-Known Member
The problem everyone is having in reality ,, Is there trying to keep up with the Jones .
i mean you got have tat big 80 plasma TV, that 900 dollar iphone the best ripped up designer jeans for 170.00 bucks lol .. and lets not forget them 500 designer sun glasses fuck i have walmart specials lol they work just as good lol..
I see it all the time a poor Chinese, or Pakistani family working for min wage come into a country and 4 - 5 years later there living the dream already in there new house and slowly building there future on min wage not purchasing luxury items .. But from saving and working up in stages .
But not the second generation US punk kid that thinks the world owes him something
I'm so poor I can't afford sunglasses. I just squint.


Well-Known Member
Don't cry that it's unfair, we all did it.
No, we all didn't do it, actually. Working Americans in the 50s-70s could work one job, 40 hours a week and pay all their bills, earn a college education, buy a house and a car and put their kids through college. Working Americans today can barely pay their rent working more than 1 full time job. Asking what happened and finding solutions to solving the problem is not crying that it's unfair or asking for a handout.

You are apologizing for blatant systemic corruption and blaming working poor Americans for problems outside their control


Well-Known Member
You don't blame anyone else for your troubles because it doesn't seem like you're in a very troubling situation, unlike a very large portion of the US population, so hopefully you understand why this opinion might seem very selfish

In essence, you're saying it's OK for corporations to steal $.93 of every worker's dollar, and by your own admission, you wouldn't be OK with that..
"Corporations" aren't stealling "$.93 of every worker's dollar". Your theory about "surplus labor" is just a pile of bullshit.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Lets look at the real issues money management Period its really not taught in school you may get a crash course on how to balance your bank account but in reality its not taught ..
you have to sacrifice something in order to gain something .
And like it or not like above post said if rent is to much then get room mates . split on everything food. bills etc and set goals where you want to be year from now .
everybody is in the here and now mind set ..
living paycheck to paycheck not worrying really about 6 months down the road ..
Blood sweat n tears man no matter what fight the urge of wanting that luxury item or what ever bank 20 percent each check and forget about it you be surprised after 1 year what you might have


Well-Known Member
No, we all didn't do it, actually. Working Americans in the 50s-70s could work one job, 40 hours a week and pay all their bills, earn a college education, buy a house and a car and put their kids through college. Working AmericaAmericans in the 50s-70sns today can barely pay their rent working more than 1 full time job. Asking what happened and finding solutions to solving the problem is not crying that it's unfair or asking for a handout.

You are apologizing for blatant systemic corruption and blaming working poor Americans for problems outside their control
Americans in the 50s-70s were vastly different. In the 50's, very few sent their children to college. In the 70's, more educational loans and grants became available so college could be paid for "later". So "Americans in the 50s-70s" couldn't "work one job, 40 hours a week and pay all their bills, earn a college education, buy a house and a car and put their kids through college." You distort history and lie in your never end quest for a bigger handout.


Well-Known Member
Lets look at the real issues money management
No it's not, the real issue is the allocation of economic gains. $9 out of $10 goes to the boss, the remaining $1 gets split up by the employees. In 1970 those numbers were more evenly distributed. After 1970 the income disparity gap began to widen because corporate interests bribed politicians to change the laws in their favor.

Now if you want to ignore that and continue blathering on incoherently about other nonsense that has nothing to do with it, feel free

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
congratulations on complimenting communism then.

because if california is communist, they are by themselves the 8th largest economy in the world.

dumb stupid pedo.
Uncle Buck have you lived under communism ??? i have if you really break it down it works USA caused Russia to crash but look at them today there even stronger then ever
what about China .Is it working there whats the odds you put 10 graduated students in USA up against 10 graduates students from China who would be smarter ??? who would a company hire ??? i bet they would pick Chinese graduate way before
out of curiosity what does it cost a student to go to harvard ??? in comunist countries its FREE
health care FREE housing FREE


Well-Known Member
In 2010, 93% of all economic gains in America went to 1% of the population, fact

Are you denying that?
If your blather is true (note I said "if", you are, after all, a liar), 93% of the numerical value of money may have, but that actual goods and services produced did not. This is probably beyond your understanding.


Well-Known Member
So he should take an extra $500 out of profit to pay his help? What if the store only profits $400 a week, which he pockets as his salary? He should let his family sleep under a bridge and borrow $100 a week from Guido, the loan shark?
If you're only pulling in $400 profit a week, you don't need to be hiring help. You shouldn't be in business most likely.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
In communism you can pretty much say everyone is treated equal and what everyone here is fighting about the rich people corporate owners etc raking the money

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Sorry Buck you are stupid see this is the plain brain washing USA has fed there people for ever ccomunism is bad ell guess what Buck ask your self how much your patriot country owes comunist countries like Russia China go do the math and come back
and this is also why Russia and china are ahead in everything


Well-Known Member
In the 50's, very few sent their children to college. In the 70's, more educational loans and grants became available so college could be paid for "later". So "Americans in the 50s-70s" couldn't "work one job, 40 hours a week and pay all their bills, earn a college education, buy a house and a car and put their kids through college." You distort history and lie in your never end quest for a bigger handout.

College was cheaper in the 50s-70s. Today the cost of college is the number one increase, dwarfing even health care costs

Real wages were higher (as prices and the cost of living has increased);

Reality hates you


Well-Known Member
There is a huge difference between saying the suggested $0 min wage is wrong and asking for handouts..
Do you think of paying a wage as a handout?
I cant believe im on the ub side of this ridiculous argument but some of u guys are just dumb.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
I remember like 4 years ago G4 summit in Canada how Obama was blowing the prime minister and begging for money.. Which of course the Answer was NO
Here Buck just for you dude lol be proud who is doing better

