The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
lunch yday i think? could have been the day before tho i forget lol imho heavy smoking is as bad as many a drug, i lose days to it and am a total mongo, from smoking when i wake up till i drop.

anyway lunch was a pulled pork grilled wrap with added, double portion of brisket,cheese,chorizo n smoked bacon was fucking bangin i remember that much lol


The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
well im a bit confused, I stated the science which didn't conflict with anyone but just clarified what happens with RH, I didn't read anything I particularly disagreed with I thought it was just an excuse for a pissing contest which is entertaining this nite lol

I 100% agree with that.

The problem is Bumshine doesn't understand the science.


Well-Known Member
well im a bit confused, I stated the science which didn't conflict with anyone but just clarified what happens with RH, I didn't read anything I particularly disagreed with I thought it was just an excuse for a pissing contest which is entertaining this nite lol
as soon as you put the formula up you lost me lmao, like reading chinese/martian for me lol


Well-Known Member
had few yellow leaves att bottoms not much thou thinking lack of light got to trim the lower branches in next couple days anyways i managed to of kept stretch down this run new controller really is one of the best grow related purchases temps steady all day 27-28 and 19-20 lights off
started on 3 mil floors per liter and half strength budxl 0.5ml-1 liter beginning of week3
2 big uns 1 ssh and i dinafem cheese i give extra water today than normal and as a result the leaves look a tad heavy lol will pick right back up in next day or so i hope Wat u all reckon lads


Well-Known Member
both yorkie and zedd have shown you exactly why you are wrong and even given you the formula for you to check for yourself, but of course, being so backwards you just simply do not possess the intelligence to understand this, this is called the Dunning-Kruger effect,

“In order to know how good you are at something requires exactly the same skills as it does to be good at that thing in the first place,which means — and this is terribly funny — that if you are absolutely no good at something at all, then you lack exactly the skills you need to know that you are absolutely no good at it.”
fuckin made me laff bumshine really is a wrong un

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Dickhead's just had the very subtle point that blows his bullshit out of the water handed to him on a plate and he still doesn't get it.
