Hey guys, I have been looking into these COBs off and on for awhile now. Later this month I plan on replacing a couple of my 1k HPS with them. I just want to lower my heat, and electric bill. The room is 5.5 ft wide so a normal reflector is hard to cover that well, the last foot or so doesn't get covered very well. I am wanting to elminate that by building 2 fixtures per light I replace.
I haven't made up my mind on anything yet, except for I will probably be using CXB3070's and hopefully AD bin. I want to be as efficient as possible for the money, but there is a breaking point there. I figure I will run them at 1.05 and get the 36.5 watts out of them. I am guessing around 600 watts of LED will replace a 1k? That is just me doing an educated guess but someone else please chime in and tell me if I am on the right path.
If I am right then that means for every 1k I take down I would want to have 16 of the CXB3070 AD running at 1.05 for a total of 584 watts. And I want to split those in two, so that means 8 cobs per board. One on each end of the room.
My questions for you guys are, does this sound good and reasonable? And if so where is the best place to order the CXB3070s from? I want AD bin if possible and plan on ordering at least 30 of them, maybe even more depending on how much I replace this first go around.
Next question, what driver should I use? I want one that is as efficient as possible. And likely at 1.05
What heatsink? Any ideas for this application?
And is there anything I am overlooking, like will I need lenses, reflector, anything like that? I plan on spreading these COBs out as much as possible. So that way I have a good even light coverage over my area. Each board I build of 8 CXB3070's will cover roughly 3 ft x 2.75 ft.
Sorry to bother you guys, I just wanted to make sure I am on the right track and knew some of you could probably help me out. I plan on researching a lot more for myself. But anything to get me looking in the right directions is appreciated. And maybe I am wrong about how many COB's I need. Maybe it will take more then 600 watts of LED to replace 1000 HPS yield wise?