Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
This don't concern me. And also these are right religions. Yes, Allah is one name of the God, there is 99 names of Allah... but god is not a proper noun
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Well-Known Member
Muslims says there are jesus noah jacob and thousands of messengers. This man is some ignorant
Islam says only MoMo is the Prophet of Allah, and Jesus is not. Muslims side with the Jews on this.

I am quite sure there is no PROOF of even the existence of Jesus. The best they can do is a "chain of embarrassment" backwards Ivory Tower Logic. And even this is based only on 2 things, that are not even in the Roman record.

- no record of a crucifixion by Pilot. Clearly the Acts of Pilot are later forgeries, same with Josephus.

- no record of Jesus being babtised by John the B.

But, these two non-recorded events are the only "proof." And the proof is this modern, Chain of embarrassment, that states, "Dude, there is no way they would have made this up!"

Forget all the other stuff that was just made up and the Theologians will admit that.

No, some "embarrassment" of the early Nuts, (unexplained) PREVENTED them from making this up.

That is not Truth. That is just an intellectual nattering called the Historicity of Jesus.

You can look it up.
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Well-Known Member
This shows there is no compulsion in religion. If he read, he knows.
It shows that some book says that. But we know how it is interpreted by the Sunni Clerics.

Why are you killed if you leave the Faith if there is no compulsion?

You said you are not even a Muslim. Never Mind.