The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Nah, urine tell u more than a poop ever could..well just by looking at it...state of my shits in the cup of coffee n I share to god it's like the tire of a car stuck in a load of muck. Poor missus cleaning up that mess, i should buy her a bio hazards suit for a laugh some day


Well-Known Member
at relax, timing the fade of the plants is the next skill level imo, you know where they are so rite at the end you can fade em out if they a bit green, but pls im crying with the noob who keeps flushing his plsnts cos they turning green wtf is this thread noob fuk up faggot corner lol


Well-Known Member
flushing is the worst thing you can do in growing imo, especially in soil, washing out all the goodness.

leaching is a skill zedd, timing it so the plants give max yield but still fade at the end, noobs just dont understand, glad you ae happy with you weed relax :P

heres one for you lax, mr piss expert. mine is brown, it froths like somebody left radox in the bowl, comes out like a garden sprinkler and it smells like bovril, is that normal?


Well-Known Member
I prefer doc or professor piss. It's grand, don't worry about it I'm sure if u ignore it long enough it will go is another good WHITE rapper..very funny in a kinda messed up rhymes like Eminem.. Very witty


Well-Known Member
man ur making this whole growing raz really complicated lol
yeh i know m8 i was told to add more nutes every week untill i get to full strength but when i do the the plant rejects it so im just going to give the plant when i know she was happy with fuck forcing it on her any more


Well-Known Member
Just keep in mind that flushing is the final answer kinda thing, it shocks the plant quite a bit dude. If ur plants can't take full strength don't give em full strength.... Read ur leafs dude.


Well-Known Member
flushing is the worst thing you can do in growing imo, especially in soil, washing out all the goodness.

leaching is a skill zedd, timing it so the plants give max yield but still fade at the end, noobs just dont understand, glad you ae happy with you weed relax :P

heres one for you lax, mr piss expert. mine is brown, it froths like somebody left radox in the bowl, comes out like a garden sprinkler and it smells like bovril, is that normal?

if the flushing bit was at me m8 im growing in canna coco Coir pro+ if it makes a difference ?
they must of started cupping/clawing when i first fed them after i over fed but i never checked on them due to work so 2 days later when i went to feed again just as the light came on the leafs was over a bit but i thought that it was due to the light just coming on but later that night i looked in the tent all plants where real dark and all clawing so i started looking for answers and i put it down to
nitrogen toxicity so thats why i thought i should flush not sure if it was a good thing or not now after reading ur post :oops:


Well-Known Member
i grow in canna coco too, the worst thing you can do is give the plants water imo. feed them at 4 ml per litre (max strength) and you shouldn't have any problems.

i have fed at 30ml per litre before (when i forgot to add a decimal point to the feeding schedule) it was ten times stronger than i wanted it, the plants didnt mind. whenever i have given them nothing but water it fucks them right up.

my reasoning being that over feeding them is a lot harder to do than underfeeding them.

what nutes are you using?


Well-Known Member
Fucking stoned out my tits already laying on the sofa with youtube on hitting boooooongs listening to a serious playlist..serious... Super serious. A janis joplin flicks in the works.


Well-Known Member
congratulations dude, did you get it off vapeoshop? They'll send u out a tshirts n all lol n like i said I've yet to clean mine.
Nah man it was around 420 on that site with discount but cheers anyway .. lad in a grow shop bringin it in for me cant wait to get it ha she tinks it aint gettin opend till crimbo i tink different :)


Well-Known Member
Looool, cheaper in a grow shop madness. I knew it was cheaper on ebay but incase anything went wrong n the freebies I went with them...always iffy about getting expensive things on ebay with all them pirating Asians about...rather deal with an actual site.


Well-Known Member
I do once in a while but it's not as fun anymore but FYI since ur a member since b4 sr2 collapsed all the new vendors will favour u for reviews so ur probably more likely to get free stuff if ur not as forward as Irish lol