Quantum Kush 38% THC?

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
Is the goal to make poverty more pervasive in our nation??
Only if you're a democrat. By the looks of it, they've been wildly successful. [see: MI, Detroit]

And people seem to think welfare in any form is bad, until it's them and they need a leg up.
I support a number of charities., as I'm sure you do.

I'm inclined to help those that cannot help themselves. Not the other % that will not help themselves as long as there's a hand out line to live in.


Well-Known Member
Only if you're a democrat. By the looks of it, they've been wildly successful. [see: MI, Detroit]

I support a number of charities., as I'm sure you do.

I'm inclined to help those that cannot help themselves. Not the other % that will not help themselves as long as there's a hand out line to live in.
Yes because us democrats, which I am by default because there is nothing left of the socially progressive but economically moderate party, want to abolish taxes, allow business to exploit the environment, and remove social safety nets...oh wait that's republicans.

Again, a very silly analysis of Detroit but hey if reductionist thought aligns with your ideology, it must be what happened!

I do support charities. Only because as a society we have failed collectively to reduce poverty. I wish there was no need for charities.


Yes because us democrats, which I am by default because there is nothing left of the socially progressive but economically moderate party, want to abolish taxes, allow business to exploit the environment, and remove social safety nets...oh wait that's republicans.

Again, a very silly analysis of Detroit but hey if reductionist thought aligns with your ideology, it must be what happened!

I do support charities. Only because as a society we have failed collectively to reduce poverty. I wish there was no need for charities.
so you are an authoritarian statist prone to reductionist thought, and hypocrisy

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
the socially progressive but economically moderate party, want to abolish taxes, allow business to exploit the environment, and remove social safety nets...oh wait that's republicans.

A very silly analysis. :roll: Many favor a flat tax. Most are in favor of ending Obama's energy policies that masquerade as 'environmental concerns'. They don't want to remove social safety nets, but rather get the able to work deadbeats out of said safety nets.

I do support charities. Only because as a society we have failed collectively to reduce poverty. I wish there was no need for charities.
Maybe you have failed, but I've been successful at avoiding poverty, thereby contributing to reducing poverty. My human form makes me no member of this collective you reference. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
A flat tax is regressive, favoring the wealthy while disproportionately impacting the working class.

Coal is dirty. The less of it being burned the better. I would however be in favor of more renewable energy and next generation nuclear power plants.

I'm not in poverty, but I came from it. I got an education so I wouldn't end up there. But any day, anything could happen to change that fact. You seem to think people pick to be poor


Well-Known Member
And I have investments in energy companies. Doesn't change the fact continuing to use a finite resource which has an environmental impact isn't the best path forward. Responsible stewardship is needed of our natural resources


Well-Known Member
I have plenty of family and friends in Canada. It may come as a surprise to you, but people have a great deal more respect for Obama than they did Bush.
Nuh uh the chinese were busting his chops for chewing nicorette lol. The trivial shit that society as a whole makes a big deal of is ridiculous. I bet half of voters in the mid terms did not vote on issues, but more than likely about the latest scandal (true or not)


Well-Known Member
I have plenty of family and friends in Canada. It may come as a surprise to you, but people have a great deal more respect for Obama than they did Bush.
Most people probably do. I didn't like Bush, but I don't think he was a complete idiot or wasn't trying to do his best, but he essentially dragged us into two new Vietnams and lit the economy on fire