Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014


Well-Known Member
Which Kush's, @fumble ??
They are beautiful and fatties.

No good deed goes unpunished, "they" say. ;-)
Not sure what kind they are. They were bagseed from my parents' friend who grows. He mentioned something about Redwood Kush, but not sure. I just call them Mikey's :)

...I guess I am very OCD and hella picky when it comes to my girls lol. It was super nice of him to help me :)


Well-Known Member
Most of the flowers are pretty bad from caterpillar damage and the resulting dead material. Some of the flowers were still very nice on the other Jesus OG so I put them on the drying rack. I will give that plant a bit longer because most of the seeds were still green.

I hope all of those seeds will get planted! By me or others :)

They are all organic natural love seeds :) Chemical free!

Here is the stump of the Jesus OG reveg bush:



Well-Known Member
I chopped down the male that I meant to dispose of. I had pulled him out of his pot and thrown him on the compost pile. Then I remembered that there was a little female in that pot too. I planted it in the Quantum Kush stump soil and watered and fed. The male sent out a huge cloud of pollen yesterday so I chopped him. Now the female is all alone.



Well-Known Member
My ocd kicks in w/the girls, too. I don't think Gary would have ever chopped them down on his own and if he had I would have had to grin and bare it because he meant well. The other day when I was trimming Cherry Pie I wondered if he'd of helped me trim. He might of for a few minutes and he would have easily become frustrated and quit. He would have kept me company while 'eye' trimmed. :-)


Well-Known Member
Well I'm done. Chopped the choco hash and man it had mites like crazy. Shit it felt like they started crawling on me. Shit creeped me out so i threw it in the freezer. I thought that way those fuckers wouldn't move anymore. Cleaned up the wifi best i could and threw it all in the bubble bags. Not a total loss small yield but learned a lot. Hope next season I can stop them damn bugs and my dog from eating all my seeds .



Well-Known Member

...I would rather not have the help though, if ya know what I mean? lol[/QUOTE]

That's kinda cute fumble. Sounds like you handled it well.:D Reminds me of when I was staying in the trailer at a trailer park when the Mrs and I were split up. I had this elderly neighbor , her name was Pat. She had alheimzers but she would sneak over and pick my bell peppers and tomatoes before they were ready. I caught her one day and told her , " hey Patsy you picked my tomatoes and they aren't ready" Shes says " no I didn"t " but she still had them in her hand . LOL :lol: I never stopped growing in the trailer though. Had a 4 x 4 600 watt going .:smile: