Armed citizen shoots gunman and saves lives


Well-Known Member
Every time a shooting is in the news we suffer an untold amount of bullshit post from liberals and yet not a peep about this. Odd don't you think?

Police Chief Donald Molineux said that “without a doubt, I believe the doctor saved lives.”

“Without that firearm, this guy (the patient) could have went out in the hallway and just walked down the offices until he ran out of ammunition,” the chief said.


Well-Known Member
Good on that doctor - he should be nominated for a civilian bravery award. Considering many patients were elderly, he save more than a couple of lives...


Well-Known Member
Guns don't kill, people kill.

unless your reasoning has been diluted down to UB's level. o_O

Know Guns, Know Peace
No Guns, No Peace



Well-Known Member
And of course the "mainstream media" and their idiotic limp-wristed liberal cunt supporters will shit all over this dude for actually defending himself and the other citizens around him.
The mainstream media will ignore this story completely, it goes against their liberal views.


Well-Known Member
1st. Nowhere does it even hint that this guy was going on a shooting spree. It sounds more like he just had beef with the doctor.
2nd. Was the shooter a patient in a psychiatric hospital? If so how did he get a gun? Its because of the NRA that ANY nut-job with a couple hundred bucks can go out and buy a killing machine.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
1st. Nowhere does it even hint that this guy was going on a shooting spree. It sounds more like he just had beef with the doctor.
2nd. Was the shooter a patient in a psychiatric hospital? If so how did he get a gun? Its because of the NRA that ANY nut-job with a couple hundred bucks can go out and buy a killing machine.
1. There was no hint that James Holmes was gonna dress up as Batman and murder his way through a theater in Colorado either. That's the problems with hints, they only alert you to something that happened yesterday.

2. How exactly do you propose to stop psych patients from buying guns? Medical records are private. How did the NRA have anything to do with this?

3. Are you suffering from that annoying feminine itch and the accompanying embarrassing odor? If so, retreat to HuffPo/Slate/some other commie outfit and you girls can have a big cry together till you all feel better.


Well-Known Member
So... one person in a single incident is lauded.
How many other people died that day because of firearms?
Weigh the outcomes and reassess the hypothesis.

Inanimate objects are incapable of independent action. It takes a human.

I wonder how many other humans used a firearm to save themselves from unlawful force that day?

Weigh the outcomes and reassess the ignorance.


Well-Known Member

Why is there a decline in gun murders?
No one knows why the rate of gun homicide has dropped over the past 20 years. There is some consensus that it may simply be a matter of demographics. The Pew Research Centre notes that the large post-war baby boom created a lot of people aged 15 to 20, a high-crime age bracket, in the 1960s and 1970s, which contributed to a rise in crime.

Some of the more controversial reasons suggested by researchers relate to abortion and lead exposure. One theory that has been floated is that the 1973 legalization of abortion resulted in a decrease in the number of unwanted children, a cohort that might be considered at higher risk of turning criminal.

Another is that a reduction in the use of lead in gasoline during the 1970s reduced exposure to a substance that can cause brain damage and possibly violent behaviour. The National Academy of Sciences, a non-profit that aims to give independent advice related to science, questioned whether either idea played a major role in the drop in gun crime.

How does the U.S. compare to the rest of the world?
According to 2009 data collected by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the U.S. sees 3.3 homicides by firearm for every 100,000 citizens. By comparison, Canada's rate is 0.5 homicides and the U.K. is 0.1. Most European countries sit somewhere in the same range.

China and Russia are not in the UNODC roundup, and there are many countries in Central and South America, the Caribbean and parts of Africa that have much higher rates than the U.S. Mexico, for example, has three times the U.S. rate for gun homicides according to UNODC data. In Colombia and Venezuela, the rates per 100,000 are 27 and 38.9 respectively. In South Africa, it is 17.03 gun homicide deaths per 100,000 people.

So what exactly keeps Americans from killing each other--as much as Mexicans--with firearms?
Is it "freedom" (undefined), or fear, or...?
With 97 firearms per 100 people, I doubt it is a lack of projectile probabilities. Mexico is tied with Aussies at 15 per 100.
It probably is fear. That seems to be the only thing that motivates the US to do anything.
After all, isn't that why you want to have firearms on you at all times? You're afraid of being caught in a firefight, correct?
Or is there some other psychological dysfunction that makes you crave the aroma of Charcoal, Saltpeter and Sulfur?


Well-Known Member
After all, isn't that why you want to have firearms on you at all times? You're afraid of being caught in a firefight, correct?
Or is there some other psychological dysfunction that makes you crave the aroma of Charcoal, Saltpeter and Sulfur?
You're projecting YOUR fear and lack of self control on others.

First, people carry firearms for the same reason people wear seat belts in cars, have a fire extinguisher in their kitchen, and smoke alarms in their homes. They are simply tools that CAN make a difference between life and death in rare circumstances.

Second, as an adult man, I have a DUTY to defend my family, and a firearm allows me to provide that defense far more effectively than any other defensive tool available.