Og Kush Hydro Grow


Well-Known Member
My Grow

Wats Good to everyone im new to growing just trying to gain information. Well im goin to update every two days ima be as detail as can be please feel free to ask question and I would appreciate anyones opinion, thoughts and advice. THANK YOU

SEEDS: OG KUSH (friend bought them gave me four)

SETUP: I have an indent in my wall that I made in to a grow box and painted the walls flat white. The dimensions are 4’H X 3’W X 2’L her are some pics,

My lighting is a Home made aluminum sheet folded at the sides . Y light sockets holding CFL’s
I have 6 23watts Daylight, 4 23wats soft white, and 1 43wat 1 47watt soft white.

I’m doin DWC hydroponics with a 10gallon bucket from Big Lots. I have 3 air stones . The water I use is from a filter pump in the house the PPM is around 15 and Ph 8.5 I just bring down to 5.5.

I have five fans circulating the air I also have a 4 inch AC hose that’s connected to my house AC. My room temps varies from 72 - 77 never hotter then that . Humidity varies from 44%-50%

DAY 0:
I germinated my seeds which was 3 out of 4 I placed them in rapid rooters surrounded by clay pellets in 3 inch net pots . I’m letting the light run 24/7. Leaving it them with no water touching them till I see roots.

DAY 2:

2 Plants Sprouted , I will be naming my babies as following:



Day 4:

Mary is showing dominance, in second Daisy, and Georgia well the shell hasn’t cracked ima give it time. Roots were showing on all three under the plugs so raised water levels to tips of the roots.


Temps went a lil high this morning woke up it was at 90 degrees (house heater was on)
Mary is my best so far her fan leaves are coming in, so is Daisy‘s, and Georgia well she’s the runt but shes getting there. Sorry no picture of G


Well-Known Member
DAY: 8
Mary showing her potential. roots have grown well in the net pots , also Georgia wasn't doing so well i tied her to a stick and placed roots underwater. I also tied both Mary and Daisy to sticks.




I gotta question on my roots im been getting a kinda brown build in between the roots anything i should be worried about?


Well-Known Member
Though it is pretty early on you could be getting root rot or it could be a mold growing on the roots. Don't quote me on this but I've seen similar cases. Don't sweat it heavily till you google further or someone with more experience then me tosses in their opinion. Oh and nice grow. I'm pulling up a bean bag chair for this one. :P

Dirty Kid

P.S. If you can get us a picture of the roots so we can further judge what is going down with your hopefully ladies. ^.^


Well-Known Member
I belive that is the start of root rot and trust me you dont want that. I have been fighting it off for the pass two weeks. Ice bottle in teh res with only hurt your plants as you cant not control the temp (I shocked one of plants trying this). The way I see it you have few options.
1. Get an A/C unit to keep the room no hotting then 73f, the water temp should be close to the air temp.
2. Get a chiller this is the route I took. Found a 12 Gallon Chiller on ebay NEW for 150 + Shipping. It is working well. Chillers Model (CL-85)
3. Somethign i was looking into but the cost was clost or more for an ice probe thing that says it can cool 10 Gallon 10f. but you need teh temp controler and the cost is more then the chiller.
4. Cool tubes for your lighting (dont think it will work with your current setup but change the light and get a cool tube should lower the room temp alot.

Good luck. Check out my Grow as there are some notes to how iam fighting this root rot. Trust me avoid this problem at all cost. Only thing I have found to really Help is H2O2 switch can hurt the plant if to much and I have gave it alot slowing add more and more depending on how things look.


Well-Known Member
I dont think its root root because its like dirt in between the the roots and it only showing on Mary roots the roots them selfs are not brown just like this gel like brown also my water temp has been at 70 degrees but every morning i have notice that my room temp raise to about 81 degrees but thats only for a couple of hours


Heres some pics



You probly cant see G Root


Well-Known Member
I have Crimea Blue, Violator Kush and Trainwreck in 1' rockwool cubes atm, the Trainwreck and Crimea Blue have sprouted---if they have roots they are going to go in the dwc, I have pics and will post them tonight. this is my first hydro grow, medical.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I have Crimea Blue, Violator Kush and Trainwreck in 1' rockwool cubes atm, the Trainwreck and Crimea Blue have sprouted---if they have roots they are going to go in the dwc, I have pics and will post them tonight. this is my first hydro grow, medical.:mrgreen:
tats kool mayn i would like to see sum pics today i woke up and a new set of leaves grew on mary she my main bitch i got HOPE FOR HER:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
gel like brown = Root rot. I would say slimey brown.

Dont wait take action now, it is nasty.