Staking plants question


Active Member
I'm about to stake some plants that are 28 days into flowering. I know that might be late. I have some questions:
How thick should the stakes be?
How do I put em in? Just ram the stake down into the soil near the main stalk? Cuz that seems pretty harsh. I'm sure there's a big mass of roots right there I'd be doing damage to. But I don't know how else I could do it? I could build a half way sorta tomato cage with stakes on the outside, attached to the pots?



Well-Known Member
Ok you have a few options in my opinion.

Dirt staking:(not personally reccomended after vegging) 1/2" Down Rods (craft or hardware store) will do just fine and they're cheaper than actual garden stakes. SLOWLY work it down into the dirt like your trying to start a fire with the stick in the woods (roll back and forth between your hands Mr. Miyagi style (karate Kid) about 3-5 inches from the base of the stock to minimize root damage.

At this point what I would do if I were growing would be to snugly tie the dow rod to the outside of the pot opposite of the direction the plant is leaning. Fishing line is very strong and easy to use. For example if your looking at it straight on and its leaning to your left tie the rod to the outisde of the pot on the right side. This way is also good because you can slide the down rod(its round) around the outside of the pot if it begins leaning in another direction. Don't tie it too tight either, let it 'dangle' as some people say. Let the line support the weight of the top of the plant. My buddy ties them right below the cola.

If this helps +rep would be nice :)


Active Member
Ok you have a few options in my opinion.

Dirt staking:(not personally reccomended after vegging) 1/2" Down Rods (craft or hardware store) will do just fine and they're cheaper than actual garden stakes. SLOWLY work it down into the dirt like your trying to start a fire with the stick in the woods (roll back and forth between your hands Mr. Miyagi style (karate Kid) about 3-5 inches from the base of the stock to minimize root damage.

At this point what I would do if I were growing would be to snugly tie the dow rod to the outside of the pot opposite of the direction the plant is leaning. Fishing line is very strong and easy to use. For example if your looking at it straight on and its leaning to your left tie the rod to the outisde of the pot on the right side. This way is also good because you can slide the down rod(its round) around the outside of the pot if it begins leaning in another direction. Don't tie it too tight either, let it 'dangle' as some people say. Let the line support the weight of the top of the plant. My buddy ties them right below the cola.

If this helps +rep would be nice :)
Yeah I think that will help. It will at least start me off with some idea of what to look for and what not to do.


New Member
i hate repp beggars.
(they dont realise they wont get any for begging).
try spreading repp and answering questions for repp.
asking for it is a joke.



Active Member
i hate repp beggars.
(they dont realise they wont get any for begging).
try spreading repp and answering questions for repp.
asking for it is a joke.

I don't even think to give them. They're like space cash, what the hell are they worth?

see you soon robin.
we are watching you speed freak.
you are 100% nailed :lol:

WTF?? Can someone tell me what the fuck this means?