Do I See Nuts!?!?!


Well-Known Member
I started flowering about 4 days ago and I think one of my Northernlights has nuts:

This is bagseed I think is a girl:


Well-Known Member
Yup - bagseed looks female and the rest males. Give bagseed love and it treats you well - don't despair


Active Member
NL is already a common, genetically stable strain and nothing can be gained (besides having a thousand NL seeds) from keeping him. Cut the fucker down. :cry:


Well-Known Member
NL is already a common, genetically stable strain and nothing can be gained (besides having a thousand NL seeds) from keeping him. Cut the fucker down. :cry:
That was the only reason I could think to keep him so I took him out of my closet and planted him outside in the woods, I can't kill a perfectly good plant. :leaf:

What do you guys think about this one?



Well-Known Member
Cant tell on that last one - give it time. Props for planting it outside - thats what i do with my males. Gotta give em a fighting chance and its hillarious when teenagers stumble across em.


Well-Known Member
Great pictures but sorry to say it but you should get this plant out off the grow area has soon has looks like the picture shows one of the pollen sacks open.bad news get them out if you have more than one.but don't assume the worste it does not mean that all the plants will have been pollenated.i had a plant that turned on me some of the pollen sacks had opened but none of the other plants were effected.but i know that it is hard to get a plant and chop the fuck out of it but this is the best thing bro or all the weed will get pollenated.what i dis was take my plant outside shuck all the soil off the bottom and put him outside in the sun he is still there now looks great had to fold the tops and tie yesterday [supercropping]but on a male standared.put a female at the side of it if the summer has a few months left get it at the side of it this will give you loads of seeds of a plant you would have thrown away.