Took Clones from sick plant.. Will they make it?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I woke up to a dying Plant this morning.. It was suffering from unwashed Hydroton symptom and I was trying to save it. I decided to cut my losses and see if I could save some clones.. Keep in mind this was decent bagseed and this is just more experimentation. So anyway the plant was wilting, but still green, so I took 6 cuttings off it and set em in my ez clone. Figured i'd test it out since the last time (first time) I used it I saw roots in 7 days and have those growing in a DWC setup. If you guys have any ideas or input let me know! bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
throwem out and start some those killer seeds .
i hate to bust a bubble , but you guys that bought nirvana seeds, man i tried twice to get those babies going, but couldnt get but on or two germ.
i'm a dutch passion man, greenhouse seeds, big buddah, black label, usually 100 % garmination.


Well-Known Member
throwem out and start some those killer seeds .
i hate to bust a bubble , but you guys that bought nirvana seeds, man i tried twice to get those babies going, but couldnt get but on or two germ.
i'm a dutch passion man, greenhouse seeds, big buddah, black label, usually 100 % garmination.
Oh I will get em goin as soon as I get em! Like I said this is just an experiment.. :peace:


Well-Known Member
They will be fine. Might want to go get some wilt spray though or take extra care with them. Since they're not as strong as a healthy cutting would be to begin with just try to give them every other advantage you can so they don't take forever to root. Weak cuttings just take longer to make any progress generally.


Well-Known Member
man I wish I had the money to buy one of those!! But I use schultz take root powder and get roots everytime right in a cup of soil so I guess I have been lucky??:peace:


Well-Known Member
Well I must be crazy.. Now I just cut the whole top of the plant off and stuck it in there! Topped and all with three branches :bigjoint: I wonder if she'll take. I'll post a pic later when my camera charges up...


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys, been M.I.A. due to work etc. Anyway, all but three made it including the one I took off the top of the plant. I put in in a homemade Aeroponics setup I made and they seem to be doing good! The one on the lower right was the top of the plant, it has three main stems and i'm curious how well it will yield.. Keep ya posted!! :leaf: