Grow log from a 1st timer! Luv some help!


Active Member
Hello everyone here in RUI! I've been on here reading up on all of your excellent knowledge and working out how I would go about my first grow.

So, here is what I came up with:
-- I will be utilizing my shed, for this grow. I am using a shelving unit I got from HD for the veg cycle. (still have some work to do on that! I have about a 4' x 6' space for flowering.

-- I going with CFL's to cut down on the heat as this shed is going to get hot in the socal summer! Still working out the best way to keep it cool.

-- I'm going to do my first grow with 4 plants. I have two Strawberry Cough and a Blue Hash and a Cali Hash. (last 2 are freebies from Attitude)

Hope you guys will check out my grow log. I could use all the help you are willin' to dish my way!

So here goes!



Active Member
DAY 1 (6/17/09)

Ok, here is where I'm at so far. I have been using Dr. VonDankenstine's 'Online Grow School 101' as my grow checklist.

Put (2) Strawberry Cough, (1) Cali Hash and (1) Blue Hash seeds into glasses of water for germination.

I used standard bottled water.


Active Member
DAY 2 (6/18/09)

  • Seeds have been in water for 24hrs.
  • I have planted the seeds into 6" peat pots. I am using EB Stone seed starter soil that has been pre watered with R/O water.
  • I didn't dig a hole or anything, just layed the seeds on top and then covered with moist soil.
  • Put them into a humidity dome (really just a $3 turkey roasting pan from WallyWorld!)
  • Then they went under 2x 26W 6500k CFL's and 4x 14W 6500k CFL's on the side.
Here are some pics.

Any comments or critiques are greatly appreciated!


Active Member
All 4 seeds have sprouted!!! WooHoo!

- Took the humidity dome off
- Moved the plants closer to the lights
- Lightly sprayed down with R/O water



Active Member
Ok, it's now day 6 and a couple of the plants are gettin' a little yellowing on the leaves. I haven't used any nutes. I'm wondering if it is due to how warm it got yesterday and today. I have resisted the urge to water because I have heard that that is the quick way to ruin your plants.

What do you guys think?


Thanks for any help!


Active Member
could be some sort of burn, or maybe it has a disease, idk its so young ive had plants have some bad bottom leaves but they usually fall off anyways
i wouldnt worry about this problem, i had the same thing happen and racked my brain out, i think its just because the plant is so young, give it time and it should become better


EB Stone Seed Starter is a peatlite mix. I don't think it has much in the way of added nutrients. A lot of time starter mixes don't get a fertilizer charge since seeds usually contain enough nutrients to germinate on their own. A lot of soil blenders keep the seed mixes lean. I have tested the EB mix and its a lot like the Sunshine Mix #1. If I were you I would give the plants a real dilute feeding of a nutrient solution just to nudge them along and support the early growth. Better to feed with some weak solutions a few times than it is to burn 'em with something too strong. Once they are rooted pretty good, then pot them into your normal potting mix with your normal nutrient mix and all should be well.

PS--Be careful not to overwater, but don't let the mix dry out either! Lift up the pot. You can feel the weight when it has water in it, even with a small pot. As it drys it will get lighter. Just remember real young seedlings don't have all the roots in the mix yet. So don't keep it too dry.


Active Member
EB Stone Seed Starter is a peatlite mix. I don't think it has much in the way of added nutrients. A lot of time starter mixes don't get a fertilizer charge since seeds usually contain enough nutrients to germinate on their own. A lot of soil blenders keep the seed mixes lean. I have tested the EB mix and its a lot like the Sunshine Mix #1. If I were you I would give the plants a real dilute feeding of a nutrient solution just to nudge them along and support the early growth. Better to feed with some weak solutions a few times than it is to burn 'em with something too strong. Once they are rooted pretty good, then pot them into your normal potting mix with your normal nutrient mix and all should be well.

PS--Be careful not to overwater, but don't let the mix dry out either! Lift up the pot. You can feel the weight when it has water in it, even with a small pot. As it drys it will get lighter. Just remember real young seedlings don't have all the roots in the mix yet. So don't keep it too dry.
Thanks for the tip on the EB Stone and needin' some small amount of nutes. Any particular element I should focus on for this 'light feeding'?

Thanks again!

Cap K

Well-Known Member
Yo, Socal you got an A/C in that shed? You don't want it to get too hot in there as that is certain death to a young plant.


Well-Known Member
yes, good choice on the lights. he's not using some home depot plant light special, or a basking light, or an incandescent, etc... those cfl's are more than sufficient for those seedlings. he is off to a good start.... LOL


Well-Known Member
if the heat is getting too much just put a fan in there pointing towards the top of the plants and the lights this also helps the plant grow a more sturdy stem. the grow is looking great good luck :)


Active Member
if the heat is getting too much just put a fan in there pointing towards the top of the plants and the lights this also helps the plant grow a more sturdy stem. the grow is looking great good luck :)
I have decided to move the youngin's into my garage while they are veggin'. This will also give me some time to deal with my cooling issues out in the shed. Much more controllable temps in the garage than in the shed at this time. Gonna' build their new home tonight. Wish me luck!


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Hey, I was wondering if there are any problems with taking my CFL growing plants and putting them outside in the natural SoCal sunshine for a couple of hours a day?


Active Member
I have just enough room for two light sockets in my new veg space. I have four plants. What do you guys think would give better light coverage. Four 26W CFL's or eight 14W CFL's.

thanks for your help!