Nebula Grow Journal

The first of many pics to come.

Just germinated two Nebula seeds by Paradise Seed Co. Defiantly an unorthodox method of germination, but effective none-the-less. The seeds, as pictured, as placed in a paper towel, given a good spraying then covered and left in the dark for a few days.
Initially, the plants will be grown under a 216 watt fluorescent by sun systems. They are grown in bio bizz all mix and given plain water for the first 2-3 weeks. Later, they'll be moved to a grow tent under a 600 watt sun tube by sun systems attached to a can fan. For nutes, in veg, they are given only iguana grow by advanced nutrients, and the occasional pinch of epson salt. In flowering, it's a mixture of bio bizz grow/bloom and advanced nutrients big bud.
I'll post more pics in time.


Four days after the initial germination. Just peeking her head out. ----Anyone have any experience with this strain? It'll be my first time with Nebula. It will be growing amongst Jorge's Diamonds #1 and a clone only strain of Grand Daddy Purple that I got awhile back.


Here's an up-to-date look at the sprouts, as well as a pic of my veg area. That's the Grand Daddy Purple mother and my cloner, containing clones that were taken about a week and a half ago. As for the Nebula sprouts, one is looking just fine whereas the other came out a little funky. Hopefully it will grow out of it.


Update. 10 days old now, one is defiantly out growing the other. They've only been given plain water thus far. Any questions/comments are welcomed.


New update. 21 days old now. Been giving them still plain water, as the soil still has nutrients to be used. Planning on adding nutes next watering. One is by far out growing the other, which I attribute genetics more than anything else. --In so far, they've been treated exactly the same.


So I decided to build a drying box yesterday. For one, it keeps things nice and neat, and for the other, it completely eliminates the smell. I harvested two Jorge's Diamond plants (pictured, with most of their branches already cut off) this morning before the lights turned on, hung them up and left for work. After coming home, I didn't smell a thing. Harvesting used to mean 'stinking' up my house for days. This is by far a better solution. I spent about 130-140 on it and couldn't be happier. It's a 270 cfm duct booster that I got from home depot for about 30 bucks, some duct reducers and duct joint. The most expensive part-the tent-was 90 bucks. It's 16inx16inx3'11ft. On top of the chimney looking part is a pantyhose filled with activated carbon pellets that I bought from a pet store. The entire project in an amalgamation of different dry boxes I've seen all over the net. I picked parts I liked and made it work, and work it does. I can't smell a thing, and Jorge's is a stinky plant.


Five weeks old. I trimmed the bigger of the two, the bottom leaves were drying up due to a lack of light penetration. Looking darker and better, I backed off on the nutes a little. I'm going to keep the bigger as a mother and flower the smaller one in three weeks (three mondays from today) for a test run to see how it is.



Active Member
Hey man, nice grow journal!!

I've got a Nebula flowering right now - awesome plant! She's one of the only that hasn't started to fall over because of the bud weight haha

Happy Farming

Totally nitrogen starved, with the beginnings of spider mites. Weak plants = bug food. No wonder Ol' Pinky was never heard from again. If you can fuck up Nebula, you can fuck up a wet dream. Nobody is worthless, Pinky can serve as a bad example on how not to grow plants.