Concerned for a friend.


Well-Known Member
Somebody I know has type 2 diabetes. They were warned by a doctor 3 years prior to the diagnosis that they were on the verge of getting it. Smoking is one of the things that made her more prone to this disease(she smokes a carton and a half a week) She used to eat fatty sugary foods and now she can barely eat anything she used to. She has to moniter her blood sugar and take insulin shots - She got more than enough warnings from her doctor and her family to prevent it but she did nothing about it. Help your friend - I had to watch this happen and it is not pretty. She still weighs over 300 lbs and I doubt she will be able to lose that weight before her body shuts down - She is around 65 and smokes like a chimney still - has had heart attacks caused by smoking, has diabetes, makes her life 100x more stressful than it needs to be and most people have given up on trying to help her. Don't let your friend end up like this. He can change things before they start you cant get rid of it so best prevent it.