
  1. Green_Alchemist

    New growth dark/twisted in nodes, advice needed!

    I can’t seem to find much information regarding this issue. Also, not much information to give as these 2 girls were given to me (with no information unfortunately). does anyone have an idea what this is or caused by? all I know is they have PM and thrips (which I’ve worked on every day this...
  2. G


    I picked up a gg4 clone 2 months ago which I vegged up to a mom plant and recently took this cut off of. Both the mom and this clone have had this nutrient looking tip burn on the leaves. The mom was fed very little under 600 ppms of remo nutrients veg and similar with this clone. The clone is...
  3. Jack Kilgore


    Dude you guys! I dug into one of my girls' root system because I was checking moisture in the deeper parts of the container and I found THIS badboy: As you can see it resembles a large coffee bean thats seemingly produced a taproot. When I found it, the whole thing was underground so was it...
  4. OldAK-MTF907

    Any ideas what strain this could be?

    Hey there people, I've been working with this more or less "random bag seed" type for over a year now. I originally got the seeds from a friend who visited a few different dispensaries in CO in 2015 & supposedly he found the seeds in one of the buds he purchased...! Sounds like pretty sloppy...
  5. W

    Unknown problem going on for almost a year. Help!

    Hello, this is my first time posting here. I've had only two plants, Auto NL that grew big and yield a lot, but since those every time I plant a seed when its time for the 4th nodeto appear it just starts slowing down, gets sick and enventually die. I recognize i've been overwatering the whole...
  6. MaloMAL

    NUTRIENT lockout. Pretty obvious, am I RIGHT OR WRONG

    This unknown BAG SEED, has went sour on me 2 already lmfao. It had this same issue 16 days ago. It went away and started thriving. 3 days from today it started going backwards on me again. Idk wth Is happening. I believe it's nutrient lockout. Any suggestions on what to do ???? Last thing...
  7. C Dizzle172

    unidentified 5 gallon bucket on nutes, any ideas?

    Hey guys, i found a 5 gallon bucket of a brown smelly nutrient it has no label on it but i know it is nutrients because i found it along with other nutrients and there was a small portion of the label left behind. Like i said it was a brown smelly nute, dont think its fish emulsion as the odor...