small tent



    Well that time has come around again...aiming for a Christmas Harvest.. So far shes 1 day old... Just popped...ill wait a day or two longer before applying nuits... and will add pics as I go.. Heat IS an issue at the moment...but once the weather cools down...should be able to turn on extra...
  2. matchgrip

    Enough space for veggies?

    Hey guys! I have a small tent (60x60x120 cm) (2x2x4 feet). Currently have 2 cannabis plants. Do you think I can put one or two veggies here? Like pepper or tomato, or do you think 2 cannabis will eventually fill up the whole space? Thanks!
  3. cherrycola

    Fan and filter for a gorilla shorty tent Help Please

    I have read every "small tent filter and fan setup" forum post online. My tent is 2.5 x 2 feet by 6 foot high. Was set on a s&p td silent series fan and was gonna get a 2600 or 2900 can filter. bought the fan local then realized it was not silent version. Then I found out s&p stopped making...
  4. bakertoad

    Jack Herer. First time grow. Small Tent SCROG. [Take 2]

    [posting inline this time] Just basics here, pics start at next post. Legal grow. One plant, SCROG, in soil (7gal), in a small tent. It was successful but there were a lot of mistakes along the way Most important thing I learned - do not panic. .These plants are tough and can still...
  5. bakertoad

    Jack Herer. First time grow. Small Tent SCROG. [complete w/ mistakes]

    Here's the journal link: Doesn't seem to inline the journal entries into this forum. Other threads seem to have all the entries in them. Please tell me if I'm doing this wrong and what folks prefer. some trichomes for your help:
  6. V

    YIELD: four Autoflower, 2' x 2' x 4.6' tent, 280 actual watt LED, 100 watt t5...

    Hi, New to this site. I have a 2' x 2' x 4.6' tent. I just purchased an LED that will fill the top of my tent with an ACTUAL draw of 280 watts, with 3 watt diodes and proper spectrums for both veg and flower. I am planning to do side lighting with two 2' T5's and two 3' T5's and was also...