
  1. boston_green


    hello, new grower here. I recently flipped my plants into bloom on Dec 29th. I have can already tell the sex of some, but some I am uncertain of. My question is, when should be the absolute latest to remove the males. I ask this because of my fear of accidentally tossing a female. Any input...
  2. Hazard818

    Need help sexing!!!

    Hey y’all first time posting and I was wondering if y’all could help me out. This girl(hopefully) has been on the 12/12 schedule about a week so far and I’m having a hard time sexing her. Any and all feedback would be appreciated. I did go through a bad wind burn phase due to a fan blowing...
  3. Hazard818

    Need help sexing!!!

    Hey y’all first time posting and I was wondering if y’all could help me out. This girl(hopefully) has been on the 12/12 schedule about a week so far and I’m having a hard time sexing her. Any and all feedback would be appreciated. I did go through a bad wind burn phase due to a fan blowing...
  4. Kelsey ☘️heart

    What is my plants gender?!

    Hi everyone!! I'm new here and new to growing. I've done a ton of research but can't seem to determine my plants gender. Please help if you can :)
  5. Grow Harder

    Help me confirm these are males

    I took them out of the tent . Got 7 more. Waiting for 2 more to show sex 1st MALE 2nd MALE 3rd MALE
  6. W

    Help bout sexing: 1 week into flowering

    Hi guys, First two pics are pics of plant #1, the last one is plant #2. Are they female? I think they are. Should I wait for clear id on pistils? Thank you for your help.
  7. W

    Sexing plant: Calyx on 22th day? (photo included)

    Plant on its 22th day; "the thing" shown on the photo really looks like a calyx, looks thin as it is in a female preflower. What do you think? Can I now be sure its a girl? Is it possible to see the preflower at this early stage? I've read a female preflower shows up between 4th and 6th week...
  8. Tx-Peanutt

    Best way to sex them plants ???

    As the title says what are y’all opinions on the best way to sex a plant without wasting a lot of soil ???? I looked it up on the search there ain’t a thread just for sexing them plants small ... I have seen where someone put a cup over a branch and sexed there plant like that ... The reason for...
  9. TheApache

    Preflower balls? :(

    Bagseed got balls?
  10. 420XX

    Do I have balls?

    I need some knowledgeable eyes. I think I've got myself a lil stud, unless if it just looks different for whatever reason - the preflowers seemed too elliptical to be balls, but alas I haven't seen any pistils forming. Take a look please.
  11. JohnnyCypher

    Help sexing please

    Hey guys ive been waiting almost 2 weeks to see sex on 4 bagseeds and i think this is the first starting to show. Will be monitoring twice daily and will bin in 48hrs if no pistils appear. Kind worried as it looks like 2 others are starting to show similar growths. Any second opinions on this...
  12. roony

    plants showing sex under 18/6

    So this is all pretty new to me but I have two seperate plant that after I pinched them they look to be showing there sex one def has pistols right at the pinch the other looks like balls that's the one I'm worried about but here's the only pic I could get to focus
  13. Kiddkenna

    Male or Female? (Or hermie?)

    I’ve done plenty of research on sexing my plant. But this is my first grow and I just want to be sure so I don’t waste my time. Is this going to grow buds? Can anyone tell by these pictures wether it’s a male, female, or hermie? Let me know if you need a better view. I think it’s a female but it...
  14. Boston710

    male/female preflower?

    Hey guys just transplanted yesterday, and of course right after I noticed a preflower.. Just wanted to make sure it was male before cutting it, what do you think?
  15. D

    need an objective opinion. hermie, m, or f?

    this is a pic of day 45 from seed. outdoor. bagseed. i'm thinking male or hermie but its hard for me to tell. plus i keep trying to convince myself its female! no other plants around so pollinating other girls isn't an issue. its 45 days old and about 5ft. i did not pruning, topping...
  16. NoobieDoobieDoo

    Is it a Hermaphrodite?

    That's right ladies and gents and everything in between. Its time to play Is It a Hermaphrodite? *clap**clap**cricket chirp**clap* I am going to show you a picture and I ask you to tell me... AUDIENCE: IS IT A HERMAPHRODITE? Alright, lets play, shall we?
  17. B

    Can i tell its a male? 6th week - 1st grow.

    Hi guys, I've been reading all the content about growing since i sowed my weed ,it's basically all that i do. I'm starting to understand more and more about the satisfactory feeling of growing cannabis. My plant is 6th weeks old, it started to show it's sex and i'm little worried it's a male...
  18. A


    Watsup lads, I asked before about them blisters thinking they where male preflowers, now what I think may be female preflowers is growing out of them? Anyone able to help on this?
  19. boymaker

    Need Help sexing plants.

    so i desperately need help. this is my first indoor grow. i have grown 5 plants from regular seeds. 2 month of veg, 3 week flower.i have cut down one which was male but now i am curios if all of those are males. flowers look male but two of them have white hairs similar to trichomes so can you...
  20. patrick17

    Is this a male?

    First time grower here. I've noticed these small balls growing around the area where I topped my plant. Do you think this could be a male plant? Let me know