
  1. xIPhobiaIx

    Nursery vs Flowering

    Hello, 1. I am wondering what will be more profitable between doing a nursery (Mother plants producing clones to nurse than sell) vs flowering than selling the weight. 2. I am trying to run comparisons but as far as determining clones per mother plants I see all sorts of different answers...
  2. jollygreen

    Employment Tips?

    Hey all, Been on this site for a while now, active on and off and am incredibly thankful for all the tips and feedback I've received on here! I stopped growing about a year ago due to security concerns and now I've been focusing on continuing to study in my spare time. I am 100% sure that I...
  3. DeMoNeye

    Fan Placement in a Cupboard Propagator/Nursery?

    I'm going to be building a small propagator/nursery setup in this small cupboard, designed to take four juniors. It will be diamond mylar lined and have 125w blue CFL and shade. I'm going to add intake and extract using two small...
  4. DeMoNeye

    Small Propagator / Nursery Setup

    My small home made nursery where my clones will chill and mature for 5 weeks before main grow is finished. Made of 5mm white foamboard - learnt the hardware, make it in black and line the inside with white/reflective film. Instead I've covered the foamboard in black craft paper. Side cover...