new growth

  1. B

    Light green spindly new growth and slowed growth

    Details: Coco coir w/perlite 7 gal fabric pots Maxibloom (KISS, 1tsp/gal) + cal mag PH at ~6.0 PPM just measured at 830 220w + 110w qb lights Maybe 1.5 months of veg
  2. J

    Light green new growth

    Hello every one, This is my 3rd grow. These plants look pretty healthy except the fact the new growth is light green. Two of the plants are blueberry auto flower and one gorilla glue auto flower. I'm growing in fox farm ocean forest potting soil. A quarter of that is perlite. The soil ph. is...
  3. RF90

    Weird growing leaves?

    I’ve never seen a second set of leaves that look like this. She is very healthy seeming it’s just the new growth looks a little off. Thoughts?? The soil is FFOF. Thanks! -RF
  4. J

    Light Green Streaks??? It’s a miracle these plants are even here. Help me keep them here

    Found 2 seeds in my stash a few months ago and those mf’s actually germinated and have survived up until this point with my basic plant parent skills. God is real cause I have no clue what I’m doing help! Context: No major problems with these plants. Germinated, seedlings grew in sunlight for...
  5. PlainfieldPuff

    Mutated Plants ?! Woahhh!

    Never had this happen before . Pictured are 4 clones all from the same mother. They have rooted and are displaying new growth as of 2 days ago. Does anyone know why the clone in the bottom left corner has 3 fan leaves ? I know this trait appears sometimes , but the mother did not have this...
  6. ddeck96

    New growth nodes shriveling and dying???

    Today I cam into the room and noticed that two of my four plants new growth nodes are starting to shrivel up. They have this pale color to them and some of the tips have turned this dark color. Please help!!! Strain: huckleberry Temp: 73F Rh: 45-50 Medium: hydro RDWC water temps: 68-70
  7. U

    New growth is clawing downward

    Hey everyone, one of my plant's top growths are clawing downward, also the texture looks/feels a little leathery. I thought it might be overwatering so waited till the pot was dry before watering again and that still didn't solve the problem. Is this some kind of deficiency? I also don't think...
  8. B

    New Growth Lime Green!!

    New growth on 2 blueberry photo plants coming in lime green and very dry looking leaves. Lights at 24 inches, using remo line at 3ml. Used ph at 6.2-6.4. Humidity good, airflows good, temp good. Last feeding I upped the ph level to 6.8..... any thoughts..... Using coco
  9. NewbieGrowerOg

    Lime green in new growth

    Hey guys , just having a hard time wondering what’s wrong with my baby , she’s 15 days old I’m growing in straight coco coir , it was 81 F at the time and she was resting in her 6 hour dark time , I noticed something when I looked at her med it had a root coming out of it , it was kinda weird...
  10. TorontotnoroT

    Are we looking good

    Hi there people’s, I was wondering what everyone thinks of these two baby’s strain is Warlock and they’ve been vegging for a little over one month now from seed, in 5 gallon pot, almost 2 foot high topped once. Thinking to switch to flower July 15th any options and advice would be appreciated tia.
  11. D

    Yellowing leaves any help much appreciated!

    So im on day 40 of veg and 2 of my plants are showing similar symptoms, ones a little worse right now the other seems to be just starting whatever is going on. The first one is og fem clone I had got from a buddy. It did have spider mites so i sprayed with doktor doom and havent seen any signs...
  12. Greendreams94

    Thought I'd share this special day

    6 weeks into my first grow and the trichomes have started showing, so i thought id share with everyone :) (pics with light on and off)
  13. WashingtonFarmer420


    So I'll give a brief backdrop on my scenario to give some contributing factors to what may be wrong. I finished a full grow throw harvest with a 150w how in a small closet, there were 8 plants each in 1 gallon pots and I got a decent yield with my grow space and the quality was top shelf,, after...
  14. jimoffy

    What causes cupping dying new growth?

    Hey guys I’m having trouble with my plant outdoors. Grown in coco in a 100Litre pot. New growth last Sunday all of a sudden turned yellow and brown, curling and canoeing up, turning crusty and dying off. It’s happening to most of the new growth, worse in some places than others. It’s a very big...
  15. papapot

    New growth chlorosis and necrosis mid leaf and tips... help

    So I'm having mid to bottom leaf necrosis/chlorosis. I'm running a high pressure aero at pH 5.9 but it was at 5.7. I also had foliar sprayed 3 days ago. Could that caused these issues? It's in I see it on 4 out of 6 plants thanks guys. I'll answer anything I can to find the reason for this.
  16. RonBurgundysMustache

    Help a friend!

    hey all, I have a buddy who is using straight compost (little amendments added) and they did not do a good job of aerating with additional perlite or chunk perlite or anything. I believe he has a root rot issue as there has been lots of wilting (2 plants have been killed off) and he is also...
  17. J

    Slight yellowing of new top shoot growth

    Hello, first time grower. Is this normal? Plant has been slightly yellow tipped on new growth shoots for 10 days. 8 weeks into veg. Water every 3 days, alternate 1/2 strength nutes. Outdoor 6 gallon pot grow in Quality Universal soil with 5%Spaghma Peat and Perlite. Plenty of direct sunshine...
  18. G

    How long can you expect to wait for new growth to resume after final transplant? Been 5 days now.

    The girls still look healthy but I expected to see some new growth by now. Still nothing after 5 days. They're also not drinking as much as they were before.
  19. Dankzilla85

    Help! Severely twisted and shriveled new growth

    Hello Everyone, I’m hoping someone can help solve a problem I am having with new growth on 4 out of my 5 22 day old cannabis plants. For some reason the new growth is developing shriveled and severely twisted. In some cases you can see that the leaf finger has actual split because of the...
  20. M

    my leaf tips are dying and yellow spots

    Hey everyone for the past 3 days ive noticed some symptons on my plant there is some clawing on the new growth but the thing im worried about is that my leaf tips are turning really dark and dying and i see yellow spotting aswell the plant is abt month old and i suspect bug problem aswell ill...