
  1. ROCKO123

    PLEASE HELP QUICK! Heat stress!

    I could really use some actual insight and not the BULLSHIT COMMENTS I KNOW ITS STRESSED SO HELP. Alright so I know the mars hydro tsw2000 in my 2.5’x2.5’ tent is overkill BUT I have it dimmed to 200watts. Temps have been consistent during the day 75-80f Nighttime temps 65-69f humidity between...
  2. ROCKO123

    First grow in the final weeks NEED ADVICE

    It’s been one long journey from seed until now. I attached some pics of it’s progression. Battled with over and under watering as I am a first time grower. Since the start of this one I’ve had 3 more started and feel much more confident. Here’s some stats •Sour Kush Auto; Growers Choice...
  3. B

    Please help! nitrogen deficiency! With 1300ppm?!

    This is my second grow I’m using soil in 3 gallons smart pots with perlite,it’s a 3x3 area indoors ..I’m in 2week of flower and I’ve been fighting this problem since veg I didn’t wanna switch to flower but had no choice with the size of the 3 plants. The smart pots dry out ever other day I’m...
  4. B


    4 day old seedling autos, in a FF/perlite/black gold/leca clay/ dolomite soil mixture. 300watt led roughly 20" high from plants no nute just reg ph 6.0-6.3 water in 3gal air pot. Fan blowing on timer. I'll include pics but my first guess is spider mites or some kind of other pest. We have a few...
  5. M

    HELP! Coco: Deficiency or Nute Burn?!

    Hello all! First - thank you for your time, I'm in desperate need of advice! (pics at the end) Setup: 315 CMH lights Cana Coco Cana Coco line of nutes Temps: 68-75*F Photoperiod: 24hours (cold outdoor temps, not enough heating yet during lights off) Humidity: 50-60% (occasionally drops to...
  6. drtricomb

    Need help!

    OK so I planted the seeds into Pete Moss cups and a germinating dome I have three and I moved them into 1.7 gallon pots and I don't know what to do about watering I do not want them to get waterlogged I believe that one of them already is in the front right of the picture what do I do they seem...
  7. Ted Zee

    First time ak47 autoflower

    I'm working on growing my first ever plant. Have a few questions on what to do next in her young life. First I'll start out by what I'm doing now. I germinated her for a few days, then placed her in a jiffy pellet under a t5 high output florescent strip light till she sprouted her cotyledon. I...
  8. B

    What is this?!?!?

    I have this on an "otherwise" healthy plant.. I want to get some ideas before I start researching it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!!! BobbyB
  9. C

    Buds turning brown and dying while in flower.

    Hey so im in a crappy situation i am currently in week 6.5 of flower and have noticed a few plants that have lower buds that seem to be turning brown and what seems to me as dying. It starts out at the lower branches and climbs up towards the top buds. I am wondering what it could be i have...