
  1. H

    Please guys any tips on cheap Vero 29 in Europe

    Please do anybody know where can I get vero v29 for cheap in the EU?
  2. staygreener

    Jack 47 Fast (Sweet Seeds). Soil, Indoor Tent, LED

    Pictures below the following wall of text. Plan: - Two Jack 47 F1 Fast (Jack 47 x Jack 47 Auto, PHOTOPERIOD). Seedling 1 week, veg 3~5, bloom for 9. There have been a few soil grow journals online for this plant... I think I'm looking at 55-65 days of bloom. With half a square meter of space, I...
  3. AquariusPanta

    Thermometers, Thermocouples, and Thermal Readings

    What's up fellow RIUians. I wanted to make a thread on thermal readings, as I haven't seen hardly anyone document thermal readings for their cob units, whether through commercial or DIY and I find it to be very important for us who want our lights operating at optimal temperatures. From what I...