Zombie plant

Just thought I'd post and show my plant to everyone, this strain scares me, the roots grow so fast it got potbound in a week everytime I transplanted, and once I found it was a male I snapped it in 2 and it lived so I cut tops off and cut it open on the stems, like slit them open with a blade, bent every branch, way Beyond supercropped I just ripped them over in 2, no gentle snaps. This was all a experiment ofcourse I would never do this to a female but all the seeds are gone from this now and never got a female, but ones I gave away to my friends were all fucking females... anyways enjoy and comment on my zombie plant that won't die, hasn't been watered in atleast 3 weeks as well.


I knew the males were tougher but by god I can't kill it, I've been trying to by everything but cutting it down and I can't, definatley regretting giving away the females now, would have been a great strain to cross with something potent but not very tough