Ziplock bags


Active Member
dude honestly u should pop for some glass jars, u can get them at a number of store/ hardware store, supposedly plastic grabs trichs and glass does not.. also u need it to be air tight for curing, plastic bags will not cut it...


Active Member
I'm in the same predicament, double freezer bags is the way I was told but nothing comes close to jars.


Well-Known Member
I do initial curing in brown paper grocery sacks giving a slight shuffle of the contents each day. When it starts feeling dry to the touch and crinkly move it over to the glass jars burping the contents each day for varying lengths of time and again shuffling the contents a bit so it drys evenly. I play it by ear at this stage with the contents being exposed to the air for 10 mins up to overnight if it really gets to feeling soggy or the humidity is high. When the stems will snap cleanly I move it over to Ziplock brand vacuum seal freezer bags which comes with a small hand pump to excavate the air. I then put the individual bags into a larger trash bag and store in the refrigerator. I'm currently puffing on some that has been in the bags for prob 6 months and still smokes just fine.



Well-Known Member
there is a few vids. on youtube that show somw of the dutch guys putting their smaller buds in small garbage bags and twisting the top then folding it under the bag (dont know if that helps)