You've Seriously Gotta Be Fucking Kidding Me


Active Member
It's white rum and coke on the outside and potato vodka in jail.
your right my fault lol i just find it hilarious he'll be in a car,police station,or a courthouse and still have the damn thing in his hand or that 1 episode when theyre robbing the store and you see the camera team follow them in on the security cam:-Pi know what im watching after work lol(RIU the only site that goes from a discussion on Pedophiles to a conversation about pears and vodka:clap:)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
your right my fault lol i just find it hilarious he'll be in a car,police station,or a courthouse and still have the damn thing in his hand or that 1 episode when theyre robbing the store and you see the camera team follow them in on the security cam:-Pi know what im watching after work lol(RIU the only site that goes from a discussion on Pedophiles to a conversation about pears and vodka:clap:)
Haha No prob. My favorite moment in the entire series right here,


Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I doubt it. But that crazy newscaster from NM makes me want to go out and put one on my car and I don't really appreciate children. I like kids but I like them even more when I know that they will go home with someone else.
This is just crazy i dont even know what to make of this.
Are pedofiles stupid enough to put this on there car???

Total Head

Well-Known Member
this thread is awesome. between that video from the op and the (thread)jackfest i don't know what's my favorite. i mean look at the pun i just made. this thread is gold upon gold.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Not many good ol' thread jackings lately so one mediocre example such as this is now gold. :p Nothing like the old days with epic threadjacks every night tho. :)


Well-Known Member
I am saying that with associations like NAMBLA and others out there a decent parent is constantly in need of awareness of any possible threat that can harm their child. I am a grower, and the only thing that scares me about going to jail is not my grow. It is killing some scum bag motherfucker for touching my daughter. I would hope that any body that loves their children and wants to protect them is grateful to be made aware of any possible threat. No matter how cute, innocent, and benign it seems to be.

Your daughter could be struck by lightning tomorrow, there is about a 1/775,000 chance. Odds of being abducted by a stranger, 1/1500000. Your child is much more likely to be molested by someone you know and trust. This story was not produced because the danger is important to be aware of, it was produced for alarmist sensationalism. It accomplishes nothing but the misinformation of parents and the pretense of vigilance. Stop pretending your kid gives you a pass to be irrational.