Your opinion on CBD

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i think it's helpful to a lot of people with specific problems. i do not think it could replace opioids, but i do think it could have a place in the treatment, making it a lot easier to deal with the withdrawals.


Active Member
On its own I would say no.

Most of the data I have seen indicates that at least a small of THC is required. With the THC it is a very viable alternative to opioids for people with long term pain management needs.

For short term pain management opioids are the better alternative as they have more predictable dosage curves and you can select based on drug half life.

Iam very bullish on Cbd but opioids still have a place.

The addiction potential of opioids is the biggest issue with them in clinical setting. Some doctors are too hesitant to prescribe. When my grandfather (93 years old) had a week to live we asked if they could make him more comfortable the doctor would not prescribe because they were worried he would get addicted.