Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderbud


Active Member
Hey I have a plant that is pretty far into flowering (6 weeks) and I just recently found a spider web connecting to two of the buds. Upon farther investigation I discovered a spider curled up sleeping on the top of one of the buds. I have heard that they can be good for the plant because they eat other bugs but what about this late into flowering? I don't want to be smoking spider and I don't want to find him (surprise!) in my bud later. Should I get rid of him or let him be?
Anything helps

pics of my plant at five weeks are on my last thread.


Well-Known Member
It is a catch 22.

The spider being there is doing no harm to you or your plant. But in my experiance those spider webs are a bitch to remove. I would "relocate" (NOT KILL) the spider outside, then pick off all of the webbing.

However, if the spider is there, then that means it has been finding food there, food that may be bad for your plant (some spiders eat spidermites, silk worms, and other garden pests). So if it is eating bad pests, then by removing it youo are allowing those pests to take over.

Ultimatly its your call.



Well-Known Member
i dont mess with spiders in my growing area they eat all the bad bugs but then again we dont have any dangerous spiders besided black widows here


Well-Known Member
I saw a spider on a roach... couldn't smoke it.

And really unless you're a big fan of spiders just off the fucker you're far enough in flower you don't need it tossing eggs somewhere or some shit.