Your Favourite Soil besides fox farm?.

i would like to hear you experience with different soils you have tried and what you have loved using the most. Unfortunately here in Canada you cant buy fox farm. Which makes searching for good organic soil a bit more difficult. what are your favorites and why.

Cheers Mate:peace:


We don't have fox farm in NC either. But there is a wholeeee shit ton of Miracle Grow... :/. But just buy a bunch of perlite (those white balls). That's what i heard works best for shitty soil. I'm new so i'm probably not 100% accurate but that's my info about it.


Active Member
i use sunshine mix #4 and fox farm nutes,seems to work pretty good for me. i get 2-3 oz.per plant using 600 watt hps.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I use roots organic formula 707 because i grow TLO and its all good ass organic shit and it works really well i love it


Active Member
root original seems to work best for me. Vermisoil has shown me amazing results as well. another cheap option is Kellog soil from home depot. u gotta add ALOT of perlite or 30% or more. It has all the same organic stufff as roots but its like 5$ for 3 cubic yards if i remember from last years sungrow.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Ball brand soil. I use it because the greenhouse uses that as a "house" soil. That means is beneficial to just about any plant. This grow, I'm still using the Ball soil but I'm using fox farm 3 pt hydro solution. I'm also trying a dwc. Find a local greenhouse and ask for if they have a house used soil that isn't loaded with nutes.