your favorite munchies?


Well-Known Member
Berries. Blueberries are the bomb when you're baked!
I could not agree more. +rep
Also I love chuckwagons, those little microwave deep dish pizzas, and McMuffins. One time I ate 2 week old McDonalds chicken nuggets that were in my friends room. Another time I ate 10 1/2 Wendy's double stacks.


Panda Express.... Chocolate donuts....Del Taco I always rely on one of the three... ive done a marathon and done all three at once LMAO


Well-Known Member
alright this might sound gros I dunno, but I LOVE this its still my favorite munchie and has been for a very long time lol:

1. Get some chicken ramen
2. Crush all the noodles up in the bag completely(not into a powder, but you know what I mean)
3. cook the noodles in water with the seasoning already in it And put some cheddar chese in there
4. When its done cooking, put a little more cheese in if you want
5. Maybe some diced jalapenos(ALWAYS MAKE IT 10X BETTER!!!!!!!)
6. Get some tortilla chips and use it as chip dip.

It really is the best shit I have ever tasted, seriously just try it once, and I swear to you, you will love it. ramen noodles are like .19 cents at least give it a shot lol

Michael Sparks

Active Member
i'd havve to say a good munchie is one that is easy to prep and cook (if cooking is involved), yesterday i made a naan burger with spinach and tomatoes with some KC Masterpiece Honey Bourbon it was damn good!


Active Member
Mcdonalds french fries, big mac, mc chicken. Doritos, haribows, chocolate and pretty much everything sweet, salty and spicy.
During the summer when my buddy used to come round pretty much weekly and we would just sit and smoke ourself stupid

We used to love these chicken burgers that you could just throw in the oven for 20 minutes, easy and stupid tasty!

Also pizza never tasted so good.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
I've been a bacon junkie for years so it's no surprise that for me a well made B.L.T. is the pinnacle of munchies. Thick cut Wright's bacon, toasted sourdough bread, homegrown lettuce and tomatoes from the garden with a little mayo or M. Whip to bind it all together...slobbering just thinking about it. A good Reuben from my favorite kosher deli runs a close second.


Active Member
i love fruit juice when im high..idk weird i guess...i just crave it..any kind. toast...fudge used to eat anything i too old for that shit now..and it seems like..the ganja im getting these days doesnt give me rediculous munchies anymore, but its there an explanation for that?

Michael Sparks

Active Member
adaptation i suppose could be the simplest reason.. we do adapt easily over time and don't pay the slightest attention to it (unless you are jedi)