You said you want a grow tent for under $50?


Here's a quick materials list.
Depends on how big you want it, if past I wanna say 4'x4' than 2x4's should be used.

-1"x2"x8' trim wood (they come long, but they cut em in house @ homedepot/lowes)
-black & white polyvinyl its $10 for 100sq.ft.
-duct tape
-a roll of velcro $3 (walmart in sewing section)
-nails or screws (i prefer to screw)haha
-razor knife
-white paint
Does the polyvinyl retain much heat?


New Member
Damn it! I need a third strip. I was in the middle of filming. I am also taking pictures so at least something will be up tonight.
The bottom and top framing can be done so its not a total loss. By the way, with buying a brand new grip of 3m black duct tape, velcro, and 3 planks, and 100sq ft of black and white im only at $27

Planks $2 each
Black&White $10
Tape $7
Velcro $4

and its not like your using the whole roll of duct tape. Also the 10x10 of poly seems excessive but you never know when you will need it and it only comes in 10ft sections at the shop im gonna hit.


New Member
welcome darius,
In about the next hour pictures and a how-to on the frame will be posted, sorry for the delay.
The tent construction will be saved for tomorrow, when I can make it downtown to the shop.


Well-Known Member
where do you get your poly sheets? do you know if i can pick some up at my local home depot. im about to start a new grow.


Well-Known Member
Bugger the duct tape man. That shit sucks.... the foil tape is a little more money, but at least it will hold for more than one grow.

Duct tape falls off after about 3 months.


New Member
where do you get your poly sheets? do you know if i can pick some up at my local home depot. im about to start a new grow.
Poly-vinyl is for sale at any grow shop and online, very cheap 100sq ft for $10.

Bugger the duct tape man. That shit sucks.... the foil tape is a little more money, but at least it will hold for more than one grow.

Duct tape falls off after about 3 months.
Well I have never had that problem, ever, niether has anyone that I have built these for. Maybe a couple times when your poly isnt clean I guess..


New Member
Items needed:
Drill Bit
1 1/2" Screws
Measuring Tape
For this build: (3x planks)
Here is the frame, I had pictures of the medicine and they some how were erased!

image_1.jpg Measure twice, cut once. Start out by calculating how many planks you will need before you start. Get all supplies, tools, and medication necessary for the application.

image_2.jpg1x2x8 are not actually 1"x2", that said I want my cabin roughly around 20"x16"x30". So I measured for 4x 16", 4x 20",and 4x 30". Cut your wood all at once, but check your measurements before each cut.

image_3.jpgNow you have the base material for your build. It is always a good idea to keep all tools and supplies organized.

image_4.jpgThis is a general model. The planks are free standing to check fit. As you can see they fit just fine.

image_5.jpgWe start by clamping our joints together with a c-clamp. I have pre-drilled pilot holes for the screws as not to split the wood. Start with 1x 16" plank and 1x 20" plank. Make sure the longer plank is on the outer sides. Drill two screws evenly spaced starting in the 20 and ending in your 16. (You will be repeating this step for the crown of your cabin as well.)

im6.jpgDo this for both ends, attach the other side in the same fashion. There should be 2x screws in each joint rite now totaling 8x screws.

im7.jpgFinishing the crown you should now have a general idea of the square footage of your grow.

im8.jpgTwo outer frames complete. You can now check to see how they match up. You should have little to zero variance in the two.

im9.jpgNow you are ready for your supports. Clamp the 30" plank evenly at the end of the two outer support. Drill two more pilot holes to connect the 20 to the 30. The 16 will need to anchored to the 30 between the 4x screws. (Example in photo). This will account with how sturdy your joints are.

im12.jpg Wow, we have come along way from a few planks of wood haven't we? Repeat these steps for the last two supports. Checking your work along the way. Putting tools back where they need to be so there accessible when necessary.

im13.jpg Check all joints. There should be 5x screws in each joint. 4x connecting the 20 to the 30 and 1 connecting 16 to 30. Take your time its worth it. Right now it fits a cloning dome and light perfectly within the parameters. Even using it at as a veg for up to 15x 16oz cups.

im14.jpgNow in my case, I built this one perfect for either a single plant, maybe for a male room, or even a 4-5 16oz cups. (Even 9 cups if you plan to just veg.)
The cabin frame is not finished. You can use it this way, but I advise a nice white paint or at least some type of sealant. If done correctly you will be able to mark all the corners that meet and you will have a collapsible frame that can be assembled with a screw driver.


New Member
diska.jpg This is the kind of thing that makes since to me. Sits snugly on a tv stand. The bottom can fit 2x 2"-8" dome. If someone had only had a 2x3x4' space you could get a lot done. (Example: Bottom tray you clone/veg because you can fit two trays short end out and top for flower.) Just an example of course.:-P


New Member
this is why i love rollitup... so many people contributing helpful information like this!
Thanks Endo,
Don't forget to +rep if you like what you saw. Is this something you would be interested in operating? With all materials including paint and poly is $30 20"x17 1/2"x30" total outer diameter cabin. I have not even gotten into mods yet. There is a few extras, but I just wanted to take care of the meat before I got to potatoes.


New Member
Surprised nobody interested? Well for the shy type. This guy has his Grandmother living with him so she feels like she has to go around cleaning and being a typical grandmother would act. She forgets though, like really forgets. LOL.. Its like "hey, this broke up nugg on the counter goes in spaghetti?" Not actually asking anyone.. he asks, "where are the spices?, we were cooking something special!" Response: "Grama's spaghetti isn't special enough?" Gets him every time.. She moved in one day during springbreak saying her power was out, that was 2009! Bhahahahahaa sucker!

Sorry, i'm a little medicated. But anyways, she takes this sandwich sack of straight seed stock. (he accidentally left on the counter) She starts feeding her birds, wild birds, bird feeders(squirrel buffets). Well way before the Grama incident he gave me two, one was a dud. The other was in that CFL closet. That is some heavy medicine. I'm on the last little taste..:joint:


New Member
Ahh.. First burn is always, the best burn of the day..
Nobody else likes it? Over a 100+ views since I posted and only 1 comment?
I'm not looking for approval, just know it s a more efficient than 90% of non-tent.(In a tent necessary situation.)
To make the tent fit your space just replace my measurement. Replacing and maximizing "pc-grows" or even claim
back a little closet space and gain a little more light/security/climate stability.

Yall have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Man whatever you do dont stop pushing this knowledge at us this is a great DIY thread and you are right maybe there should be more feed back to you but then you have laid it out so well maybe everyone is busy building there own ? lol i know i am soon! A definate + rep to you so far and dont worry we are here some of us are just out for the moment..Grow shop home depot etc,etc,..Peace


Well-Known Member
awesome job bro! its so ironic i just found this because i have a 2x4x5 grow tent i got from amazon for 82 bucks with free shipping but theres a garage sale like 10 houses down from me, and my wife just saw a closet organizer that is fucking PERFECT for a grow tent its 2x6x6 for 10 bucks!!! i will post pics later!...but im subbing and plus rep bro!