You Know You're a Stoner if....

if you visualize everything as a bong and how it can be made into one
if you regularly hang out somewhere with a name such as "the 420 johnspot"
if after your buddies leave a smokefest at your house you walk into the kitchen to find the toaster in the microwave


Well-Known Member
When you're burning with a buddy and he hands you the pipe and you stare at him blankly, then ask " do you want me to do with this...."


You know your a stoner if you would walk to the gas station at 3am, even though its over a mile away, just to buy a packet of papers and a can of soda.


Active Member
You know your a stoner if you would walk to the gas station at 3am, even though its over a mile away, just to buy a packet of papers and a can of soda.
And similarly:

You know you're a stoner when you actually use the controls on the front of your TV/VCR/Receiver/Whatever because you've given up looking for the remote. Then you find it, of course. In your own hand, most of the time.

mr west

Well-Known Member
You know you're a stoner when you're on rollitup
or spend all day trying to get on rollitup like i did yesterday ffs and wen i finaly got on i couldnt be botherd to post anything cuz i was way too stoned by the time i got on lol>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

Early Shadow

Active Member
You Forget where you hid your stash. Then your lighter, Then after you spend an hour finding it all you forgot where your bowl went...............


Well-Known Member
or spend all day trying to get on rollitup like i did yesterday ffs and wen i finaly got on i couldnt be botherd to post anything cuz i was way too stoned by the time i got on lol>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:
hahaha! I hear that man!

You know you're a stoner if you have Bob Marley or some other marijuana icon on your wall!

mr west

Well-Known Member
u kno wen ur a stoner wen u can reach out and touch ur grow tent and ur playstation with out leaving ur seat and at the same time lmao ( or is that u kno ur a stoner in a small flat?)